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sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

Conhecer a Historia: uma das poucas licoes uteis de Kissinger

Henry Kissinger foi um realista cínico, no limite imoral, e em todo caso amoral.
Foi um "bom" servidor do Estado americano, no sentido em que foi um Secretário de Estado eficiente, no curto prazo, pelo menos. 
Defendeu os interesse mesquinhos do império, mas não transformou o mundo, apenas "restaurou-o", como pretendiam os conservadores de Viena, que ele estudou tão bem em sua tese de doutorado.
Mas, preservou o outro império, o soviético -- que finalmente foi "destruído" por um idealista cínico, Ronald Reagan, não pelo fiel servidor do desejo de potência que sempre foi Kissinger --, assim como está preservando, atualmente, o poder despótico da China comunista.
A única lição, finalmente, que temos de aprender com Kissinger, é o estudo da História.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Foreign Policy, Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 12:53 PM   Share

The big event at Harvard yesterday was "A Conversation with Henry Kissinger" at Sanders Theater. The event featured the 89-year old statesman reflecting on his time at Harvard, his career in government, and the future relationship between the United States and China, along with several other topics. He was joined in the discussion by my colleagues Graham Allison (who moderated) and Joseph Nye, and by Jessica Blankshain, a graduate student from the Department of Government.
I won't try to summarize the whole conversation, but instead merely highlight a couple of moments that I found especially interesting. First, at one point Kissinger said he thought the best academic preparation for government service was training in philosophy, political theory, and history. In particular, he argued that training in political theory taught you how to think in a disciplined and rigorous manner, and knowledge of history was essential for grasping the broader political context in which decisions must be made. It was clear that he also sees a grounding in history as essential for understanding how different people see the world, and also for knowing something about the limits of the possible.
I found this observation intriguing because these subjects are not what schools of public policy typically emphasize, even though they are supposedly in the business of preparing students for careers in public service. The canonical curriculum in public policy emphasizes economics and statistics (i.e., regression analysis), sometimes combined with generic training in "public policy analysis" and political institutions. The Kennedy School (where I teach) does require MPP students to take one core course in ethics (which is grounded in political philosophy), but there's no required course in history and each year I feel my students know less and less about that important subject. Instead, they flock to courses on "leadership," as if this quality was something you can learn in a classroom in a semester or two. I would love to have asked Kissinger to elaborate on how aspiring public servants are being trained these days.
After Joe Nye asked him if there were any decisions he made that he wished he could do over (a question that Kissinger mostly evaded), he went on to reflect on how his thinking has changed over time. He noted that he has had lots of time to read and reflect since leaving government service, and he said there were many things about the world that he understood better now than when he was serving in government. He also said he was not as "self-confident" in some of his judgments as he had been when he was younger. But then he said he wasn't sure this greater wisdom would make him a better policymaker. The reason, he said, is that being a policymaker requires a powerful sense of self-confidence, precisely because so many decisions are not clear-cut -- they are 51/49 judgment calls. As he put it, "You don't get rewarded for your doubts." And in those circumstances, a little bit of bravado goes a long way; it might even be a job requirement.
It was entirely predictable, of course, that the event was briefly disrupted by a vocal protester who was quickly escorted from the room. One of the questions asked during the Q and A took a similar approach, reciting a list of Kissinger's alleged crimes and ending with the question "How do you sleep at night?" I understand where such questions come from, but I've also thought this tactic is a remarkably ineffective way to try to make a political point. Disrupting public gatherings is a form of free speech and I wouldn't try to ban it, but my experience is that it is almost always counterproductive. The reason is simple: When someone gets up and starts shouting accusations, it violates our innate sense of courtesy and almost always turns the crowd against the protester and toward the person they are attacking. I like spirited discourse as much as the next person, but I've found that a respectful, well-aimed, and devastating question usually opens more minds and does more damage than passionate denunciations do.

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

olá, tenho 12 anos, moro em porto alegre e meu sonho eh ser diplomta, gostaria de saber qual faculdade é melhor para ser um diplomata e tenho cidadania italiana, atrapalha em alguma coisa, por favor responda

Paulo Roberto de Almeida disse...

Meu caro jovem Anônimo de 12 anos que quer ser diplomata,
Respondo objetivamente.
Infelizmente, não consigo achar nenhuma faculdade boa suficiente, no Brasil, para você ser diplomata. Todas são deficientes, com poucas exceções.
Se você quer uma opinião sincera, eu diria que você deve se preparar, desde já, para ser autodidata, ou seja, estudar por você mesmo, tudo, todas as matérias, nos livros e na internet. Não confie em professores ou faculdades, estude por sua própria conta.
Você vai precisar de um diploma qualquer de curso superior para ser diplomata, assim que você pode escolhar um curso que se aproxime mais das matérias do concurso, o que significa Relações Internacionais, Direito, Economia, ou coisas afins, mas não pense que esses cursos vão prepará-lo adequadamente, pois não vão.
Por isso comece desde já a estudar sozinho, todas as materias do concurso, depois de ver as orientações no site do Instituto Rio Branco.
Ter dupla cidadania não atrapalha em nada. Totalmente indiferente.
Estude, apenas isto...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Paulo Roberto de Almeida disse...

Meu caro jovem Anônimo de 12 anos que quer ser diplomata,
Respondo objetivamente.
Infelizmente, não consigo achar nenhuma faculdade boa suficiente, no Brasil, para você ser diplomata. Todas são deficientes, com poucas exceções.
Se você quer uma opinião sincera, eu diria que você deve se preparar, desde já, para ser autodidata, ou seja, estudar por você mesmo, tudo, todas as matérias, nos livros e na internet. Não confie em professores ou faculdades, estude por sua própria conta.
Você vai precisar de um diploma qualquer de curso superior para ser diplomata, assim que você pode escolhar um curso que se aproxime mais das matérias do concurso, o que significa Relações Internacionais, Direito, Economia, ou coisas afins, mas não pense que esses cursos vão prepará-lo adequadamente, pois não vão.
Por isso comece desde já a estudar sozinho, todas as materias do concurso, depois de ver as orientações no site do Instituto Rio Branco.
Ter dupla cidadania não atrapalha em nada. Totalmente indiferente.
Estude, apenas isto...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida