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Mostrando postagens com marcador Blackberry. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Blackberry. Mostrar todas as postagens

quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013

O novo Blackberry, para os addicted - David Pogue

Typing, Made Easy

BlackBerry will start offering its Q10 next month.When I reviewed the BlackBerry Z10 in January, I wrote that it was a surprisingly complete, elegant, attractive phone, considering that the company was on its deathbed. (The BlackBerry’s share of the smartphone market was a dismal 2.9 percent, down from 85 percent a few years ago.)
  • BlackBerry will start offering its Q10 next month.

  • The key benefits of the Z10:
    • Swappable battery
    • Memory-card slot for expansion
    Over 100,000 apps in its app store
  • Clever word-completion system
  • Ingenious BlackBerry Hub: a single in-box for everything (calls, texts, e-mail, Twitter and Facebook posts) that’s always available with a swipe in from the left side
  • Separate on-screen “worlds” for work and personal use
  • 80 million BlackBerry fans already
I’m still not sure that the Z10 will save BlackBerry. It’s awfully late, and its offerings aren’t so much more advanced than iPhone or Android that the masses are likely to risk betting on this dark horse.
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But next month, BlackBerry will improve its odds by offering the Q10 (around $250 with contract). It’s a sister phone to the Z10, with all the same advantages. But instead of a full-height touch screen, this one has the classic BlackBerry design: half-height screen above, physical keyboard below.
That is a feature few rivals offer. Touch-screen phones with physical keyboards, especially from the most popular brands, are rare, and they’re usually not especially successful.
The Q10’s screen is 720 by 720 pixels — the biggest, sharpest screen ever on a keyboard phone, according to BlackBerry. The battery is bigger than the Z10’s; since the screen (the single most power-hungry component) is also smaller, that means the Q10 lasts much longer on a charge — 13.5 hours of talk time (compared with eight hours on the iPhone 5).
And then there’s the keyboard. Yes, that’s something BlackBerry is really good at. After so many years of fussing with typing on glass and making fidgety corrections, it really is sweet to have real keys. They’re not only useful when you’re writing; they also let you use all the beloved BlackBerry keyboard shortcuts: “T” for top of message, “R” for reply, “F” for forward, “L” for reply all, and so on.
Autocorrect is much less important when you have a real keyboard, of course. But at your option, the Q10 still displays, just above the keyboard, the three most likely completions of the word you’re typing. You tap one of these words to insert it into what you’re writing.
And man, is it smart. I wanted to type “Unfortunately, the company is notprepared to comment.” All I had to type were the letters shown here in boldface — six letters in total. In each case, the phone correctly predicted the next word I wanted — and even punctuation — requiring only one tap each. (That is, I typed “Un,” and the options included “Unfortunately.” I tapped that one, and then the button options included a comma. I tapped that one, and the choices included “the.” And so on.)
I’ll come right out and say it: no phone on the market offers a better combination of speed and accuracy for entering text.
As a bonus, the Q10 lets you type out shortcut commands from the home screen. “BBM Chris” lets you jump into a BlackBerry Messenger (instant message) chat with Chris. And so it goes with “Email Robin,” “tweet” (to enter a Twitter post), “txt” (to send a text message), “call 556-1000,” “Facebook” (to make a Facebook post), “li” (to say something on LinkedIn). Efficiency freaks everywhere should be rejoicing.
The Q10 comes with BlackBerry 10.1 software, an upgrade from what arrived on the Z10. (The Z10 will get this upgrade eventually.)
The enhancements are pretty minor. You can now paste a phone number into the dialing pad. You can opt to have your ActiveSync e-mail keep only the last 30 or 60 days’ worth of e-mail. And the BlackBerry Balance feature (the one that keeps your personal and corporate worlds separate) has been enhanced to let companies enforce even more restrictions on what your phone can do.
Now there’s a high-dynamic-range (HDR) mode in the camera app, which combines the brights and darks from three photos, taken with different exposures, for richer shots.
Now the big drag with a physical keyboard is, of course, that you lose half the screen space. You pay the price when you try to look at a map, a photo or, in particular, a movie. You also lose the niceties of an on-screen keyboard, like the ability to switch its keys to a different alphabet.
But there are thousands of people who use a smartphone mostly for e-mail, texts and typing — thousands who’ve been waiting for a physical keyboard on a modern smartphone. If the screen-space trade-off is worth it to you, and if you don’t mind betting on an underdog, you’ll find no better keyboarded phone than the BlackBerry Q10.

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Capitalistas vendem a corda que vai enforca-los; assinado: Lenin

Talvez não seja exatamente o caso, mas essa rendição mostra até onde estão dispostos a ir os homens de negócios, e as grandes empresas, para preservar suas partes de mercado. Subserviência pura aos caprichos mais deletérios de governos ditatoriais.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Accord sur les BlackBerry en Arabie saoudite
Le Monde, 7 Aout 2010

Le constructreur RIM installera un centre de données dans le pays pour permettre aux autorités de contrôler le contenu des messages échangés sur ses téléphones

L'Arabie saoudite et le constructeur canadien des téléphones BlackBerry, RIM, sont parvenus à un accord sur l'accès des autorités saoudiennes aux messages envoyés par le biais de ces téléphones. L'Arabie saoudite avait temporairement appliqué l'interdition de la plupart des fonctionnalités des BlackBerry, vendredi, après avoir ordonné aux opérateurs du pays de bloquer les e-mails et messageries instantanéees de ces mobiles.

RIM a accepté d'installer un serveur sur le sol saoudien, ce qui permettra aux autorités d'obtenir sur réquisition judiciaire le contenu des messages des BlackBerry. Ces téléphones, conçus à l'origine pour les hommes d'affaire, utilisent un système de chiffrement complexe garantissant la confidentialité des échanges.

RIM ne fournira pas aux autorités saoudiennes les clefs de chiffrement de son système ; la police saoudienne ne pourra donc pas surveiller en temps réel les messages échangés, mais pourra demander à y accéder a posteriori.

Plusieurs autres pays, dont les Emirats Arabes Unis ou l'Inde, ont également demandé l'installation de serveurs de BlackbBerry sur leur sol. A l'heure actuelle, les messages transitent par des centres de données situés au Canada, aux Etats-Unis ou encore en Grande-Bretagne, ce qui rend impossible l'accès au contenu des messages pour les autorités de la plupart des pays. Les Emirats ont annoncé qu'ils interdiraient les services du BlackBerry début octobre.

Les téléphones de RIM sont populaires en Arabie saoudite, où ils permettent de contourner la censure. Le gouvernement saoudien bloque environ 400 000 sites Internet, pornographiques ou politiques. La messagerie du BlackBerry est également utilisé par les Saoudiens pour discuter sans risques avec des membres du sexe opposé - ce que la loi religieuse en vigueur interdit.

[O mesmo Le Monde informa que 11 homens e mulheres foram condenados a chibatadas por terem conversado diretamente numa festa. Big Brother é isso mesmo...]