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domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

Ayn Rand: a deusa do conservadorismo americano, 1

Primeiro de dois artigos:
Globalist Perspective > Global LeadersAyn Rand: The Siren of U.S. Conservatism (Part I) 

By Brent Ranalli
The Globalist,  Friday, November 02, 2012
Not long ago, the most important figure to U.S. conservates was Ronald Reagan. Now, almost two-and-a-half decades after the Reagan presidency, American conservatives — including Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan — look beyond Reagan to the even more stringent form of conservatism of novelist Ayn Rand. Brent Ranalli examines Rand's legacy.

ovelist and philosopher Ayn Rand has been dead for 30 years, but her ideas live on. By some counts, Rand's novels are among the most popular and influential of all 20th-century literature.
Rand's promise is that people who follow her worldview are bound by no rule other than self-interest and rationality — however those terms are understood.
Rand's philosophy, and bastardizations of it, have quietly but profoundly shaped the landscape of U.S. conservativism. Mitt Romney's running mate in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, Paul Ryan, is on record as admiring Rand's thought.

Thus, this is a very fitting time to examine what Rand actually taught, what the merits and flaws are in Rand's views, and what effect those teachings have had — and continue to have — on culture, politics, and policy in the United States.

Rand was born Alisa Rosenbaum in czarist Russia to a relatively well-off Jewish family that endured deprivations and hardships during World War I and the communist power grab.

An unusually intelligent, self-confident and ambitious individual, she managed to extricate herself from her surroundings and come to America to pursue her dream of becoming a writer.

She worked for a time in Hollywood, then produced a series of best-selling novels. Her later years were spent codifying a system of philosophy ("objectivism") based on the ideas in her novels. She enjoyed a combination of celebrity (especially at the center of a cadre of devoted disciples, which somewhat insulated her from the larger culture) and notoriety.

The essence of Rand's teaching is that altruism is bad and selfishness is a virtue. She thinks that people would be better off if they liberated themselves from social demands to put others ahead of themselves.

Furthermore, people should root out any internal inhibitions arising from their own socially trained superego. If they managed to do all that, the way would be paved for a libertarian utopia, such as the one Rand introduces toward the end of her novelAtlas Shrugged.

These teachings represent a mixture of valuable insight, some elementary misunderstandings — and a considerable amount of naiveté.

Rand's naiveté was the naiveté of a utopian, and it curiously mirrored that of the communists she loathed.
Rand's valuable insight is a psychological one. She delves into the inhibitions — a sense of helplessness or unworthiness — that prevent many people from fulfilling their potential. She taught that each individual is responsible for his or her own life regardless of the demands of society.

A great many of her readers responded, and continue to respond, to this message in her novels. As her voluminous fan letters attest, Rand has inspired readers to take control of their lives and take responsibility for their own happiness.

Rand exemplifies and preaches ambition — dreaming big and taking risks, striving for something extraordinary. She has inspired readers to cast off their inhibitions and dream big as well.

Generations of high-tech entrepreneurs, for example, have venerated Rand and conceived their own life projects in Randian terms. For these individuals, Rand unlocked the path to ambition and (sometimes) success.

Rand's elementary misunderstandings involve the notion of altruism. Rand was fine with doing nice things for others when it gives us pleasure. What she objects to — the way she uses the term — is altruism understood as social responsibility or obligation.

However, there is nothing about ambition and success and taking responsibility for one's own life and happiness — Rand's positive message — that precludes altruism or a sense of social responsibility.

Consider social entrepreneurs, the super-altruistic visionaries who create and build organizations to help the poor, and preserve the environment for future generations, and work for peace and justice.

These individuals too can be seen as Randian heroes. The founders of the public-spirited enterprises Wikipedia and Craigslist explicitly cite Rand as an influence.

The roots of Rand's peculiar views about altruism appear to lie in her early years. Among the very few anecdotes we have from Rand's childhood are tales of her mother perpetrating small cruelties in the name of altruism.

Rand thinks people would be better off if they liberated themselves from social demands to put others ahead of themselves.
For example, Mrs. Rosenbaum once made her children pack up half their toys for "storage" and then secretly gave them away, explaining later to her outraged daughter that she had too many toys and it was only right that poorer children should enjoy some of them.

Later, when Rand was coming of age, she was exposed to the barefaced propaganda of a communist regime that perpetrated crimes on a much larger scale, also in the name of altruism. Is it possible that Rand was never able to clearly distinguish real altruism or social responsibility from a cruel facsimile?

She certainly had a tin ear for normal social reciprocity. She entirely neglected and ignored the relatives in Chicago who helped her get on her feet when she came to the United States after she had eaten their food and accepted their money. Over the years, she managed to alienate almost every friend she made.

It is also worth noting that Rand never had children, rarely discussed her own childhood, and inhabited a social world and a literary universe almost entirely devoid of children. Parenthood is perhaps the purest expression of altruism — undertaking the awesome responsibility for the life and well-being of another person.

Imagining parenthood in Randian terms — taking care of a child one brought into the world only because, or if, or when it gives one pleasure to do so — makes a mockery of human relations.

It also gives the lie to this central pillar of Rand's philosophy. She preferred to avoid the subject of the parent-child bond, and may have had only a superficial grasp of it.

Rand's naiveté was the naiveté of a utopian, and it curiously mirrored that of the communists she loathed. The communists dreamed of a day when everyone would take care of everyone else (from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs), and the state would then wither away.

Rand, for her part, imagined that the pursuit of unadulterated self-interest would create a harmonious society with little need of government.

There is nothing about ambition and success that precludes altruism or a sense of social responsibility.
What makes Rand's utopia a place where little or no government is required, of course, is not the fact that individuals are self-interested, but that they are virtuous. She evidently believed that the two qualities go hand in hand.

But do they? If the first self-proclaimed Randian hero, Rand herself, is the test case, the prognosis is not very good. She preached rationality, but had the most violent temper and excommunicated disciples on a whim or a suspicion.

She preached honest dealing, but neglected to pay back a loan from her Chicago relatives and, at times, neglected her rent and utilities payments. She preached complete truthfulness, but she also kept secrets from and lied to her disciples — about her personal history, her marital infidelities, and more.

Then again, Rand had a distinctly Nietzschean slant on morality. She was influenced by Nietzsche's notion of the "superman" — the idea that great men and women don't need to follow the same rules as everyone else, or that men and women become great precisely by liberating themselves from the shackles of conventional morality.

In her novels, she allowed her heroes all kinds of indulgences — including, in The Fountainhead, raping the heroine. Rand may have imagined that in getting the permission of her own husband and her lover's wife, she had been as truthful as a great person such as herself needed to be about marital infidelity, and the great unwashed masses — including most of her coterie — did not deserve the truth.

Some of her disciples took her cue and established a pattern of behaving in notoriously arrogant and undisciplined ways.

To this day, she continues to entice readers with the promise of elite status, of having been liberated from the ensnarement of the normal social conventions of a corrupt, "altruistic" society.

Her promise is that people who follow her worldview are bound by no rule other than self-interest and rationality — however those terms are understood.

As an adolescent, Rant was exposed to the propaganda of a communist regime that perpetrated crimes in the name of altruism.
But self-interest and rationality can be interpreted in the most expedient ways to justify the most abominable acts. Rand's real-life Nietzschean hero, after all, was a bona fide sociopath.

After a string of armed robberies, William Hickman kidnapped, killed and dismembered a 12-year-old girl. In her notes on his trial in 1928, Rand romanticized him as a strong, courageous individual who cared nothing about what judge or jury or the public thought of him, who sought to "trample society under his feet."

The crime was incidental in Rand's mind, and the victim didn't merit a thought. Nor did Hickman's plea of insanity. Her notes on Hickman the courageous antisocial hero formed the basis for characters like Howard Rourke and John Galt in her novels.

Part II of this article is here.

sábado, 3 de novembro de 2012

Mensalao e Republica (republica?) - RICARDO VÉLEZ RODRÍGUEZ

Já publicado aqui, mas agora em sua versão publicada no OESP.

Mensalão e República

03 de novembro de 2012 | 2h 03
Tive uma grata surpresa com o julgamento da Ação Penal 470 pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). A nossa democracia parece ter reencontrado a vitalidade, que parecia fenecida por causa da crise em que o Poder Executivo, sobranceiro à lei, tentou comprar definitivamente o apoio do Poder Legislativo mediante a prática de corrupção sistemática, ao ensejo do episódio que o denunciante do esquema, o ex-deputado Roberto Jefferson (PTB-RJ), denominou como "mensalão".
O nome pegou, para desespero do ex-presidente Lula da Silva, do ex-ministro José Dirceu et caterva. Foram julgados e condenados, se não todos, pelo menos alguns dos responsáveis mais representativos do sinistro esquema. A História encarregar-se-á de julgar os que escaparam, a começar pelo chefe, que, pelo teor das investigações e dos depoimentos, "sabia de tudo".
É de Oliveira Vianna a previsão de que a redenção das instituições republicanas, no Brasil, viria pela mão do Poder Judiciário. Vítima da "política alimentar" - nome dado pelo sociólogo fluminense ao esquema de clientelismo e corrupção que se apossou da vida pública desde tempos que remontam à derrubada do Império -, a República acordaria da catalepsia em que a privatização patrimonialista do poder pelas oligarquias a fez mergulhar. A independência do Poder Judiciário, segundo Oliveira Vianna, no livro Instituições Políticas Brasileiras (1949), garantiria as liberdades civis; asseguradas estas, o País poderia pensar na conquista das liberdades políticas.
Ora, os pareceres dos juízes do Supremo Tribunal puseram na pauta da política dois princípios fundamentais. Em primeiro lugar, todos devem respeitar, sem exceções, a lei e seu marco arquetípico, a Constituição. Em segundo lugar, os que governam não podem agir utilizando a máquina do Estado em benefício próprio. Dois princípios de ética pública que, meridianos, voltaram a presidir o espaço republicano, a partir dos pareceres dos magistrados da nossa Suprema Corte.
Que a sociedade respirou aliviada com a ação patriótica do STF o deixam claro as opiniões dos leitores na mídia eletrônica e impressa, bem como as espontâneas manifestações de aplauso dos cidadãos quando encontram um dos nossos magistrados, em que pese a cerrada política armada pela petralhada, de denuncismo de "golpe da magistratura e da imprensa".
No esquema do mensalão marcaram encontro dois vícios da política: o tradicional "complexo de clã" e a ausência de espírito público, bases do patrimonialismo. Esses dois vícios, entrelaçados como as caras da mesma moeda, fazem com que os atores políticos ajam única e exclusivamente em benefício próprio e das suas clientelas, privatizando as instituições. Nisso o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) e coligados se mostraram eficientes "como nunca antes na História deste país".
A esses dois vícios vieram juntar-se duas tendências da cultura política moderna. A primeira, o jacobinismo (inspirado na filosofia de Rousseau, no século 18), segundo o qual a organização da política, nos Estados, deve pautar-se pelo princípio da unanimidade ao redor da "vontade geral" (identificada com o legislador e imposta por seus seguidores, os "puros"), sendo excluída qualquer oposição. O segundo princípio negativo diz respeito ao "messianismo político" - pensado no início do século 19 por Henri-Claude de Saint-Simon e continuado por seu discípulo Augusto Comte.
Ora, na nossa organização republicana se juntaram, com o correr dos séculos, numa síntese perversa, esses dois princípios, bem como os vícios balizadores do patrimonialismo. O jacobinismo e o messianismo político reforçaram-se, dramaticamente, na contemporaneidade, com a tendência cientificista do marxismo (inspiradora dos ideólogos petistas), que passou a pensar a política em termos de hegemonia partidária, à maneira gramsciana.
Na História republicana terminou se consolidando, à sombra das variáveis mencionadas, um modelo identificado com a prática do despotismo. Castilhismo, getulismo, tecnocratismo autoritário, lulopetismo, eis os resultados desse amálgama nada republicano.
Como dizia Alexis de Tocqueville referindo-se à França de 1850, a face da República viu-se desfigurada pelas práticas despóticas. No Brasil, a res publica virou "coisa nossa", num esquema mafioso de minorias encarapitadas no poder, que fazem o que bem entendem, de costas para a Nação, mal representada num Poder Legislativo que se contempla a si próprio e zela quase que exclusivamente pela manutenção de seus próprios privilégios.
Com uma agravante, atualmente: se nos momentos anteriores havia autoritarismo, este se equilibrava com uma proposta tecnocrática bem-sucedida (como nos momentos getuliano e do ciclo militar) ou com um respeito quase sagrado pelo Tesouro público (como no castilhismo). Restou-nos o assalto desavergonhado aos cofres da Nação, em meio ao mais descarado compadrio sindical.
Ecoam ainda as graves palavras com que um dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal caracterizou, dias atrás, o mal que tomou conta do Brasil. "Formou-se na cúpula do poder, à margem da lei e ao arrepio do Direito, um estranho e pernicioso sodalício, constituído por dirigentes unidos por um comum desígnio, um vínculo associativo estável que buscava eficácia ao objetivo espúrio por eles estabelecido: cometer crimes, qualquer tipo de crime, agindo nos subterrâneos do poder como conspiradores, para, assim, vulnerar, transgredir e lesionar a paz pública".
Gravíssima situação que a nossa Suprema Corte encarou com patriotismo e coragem. Esperamos que essa benfazeja reação seja o início de um saneamento completo das instituições republicanas.

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Fascismo economico em construcao na Europa: estatismo frances

The Economist, November 1, 2012

THE biggest European merger for years collapsed last month. EADS, the owner of Airbus, and BAE Systems, a defence-and-aerospace group, will not tie the knot. The aim of the merger was to wrest both firms free of state interference. Now Big Brother is back.

Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, is rushing ahead with plans for the German government to take a 15% stake in EADS before the end of the year, buying shares (through KfW, the state bank for reconstruction) that the Daimler car group and some banks want to ditch, thus bringing it level with the French government’s shareholding (see table).
The Germans have been concerned for some time about losing out to France on Airbus work, and have withheld some promised government loans for the latest big Airbus plane. Now, in a bid to strengthen Germany’s hand, Mrs Merkel appears to be taking a leaf out of the French book on industrial policy—opting for strategic stakes in privatised groups.
This startling reversal comes on top of new moves in France to extend the reach of government into troubled manufacturers. Last week, just as Germany was closing in on EADS, the French government guaranteed loans of some €7 billion ($9 billion) to the finance arm of PSA Peugeot Citroën, a carmaker. In return the government gets a seat on the board and guarantees that dividends and share buy-backs will be suspended for several years.
French observers are waiting to see whom the ministry of finance will name as the “independent” director. Critics fear that he or she might be a representative of the APE (the agency for state shareholdings), which reports to the ministries of finance and industry. Peugeot shares fell on the announcement of the financial support, because investors fear the door has been opened to a partial nationalisation.
The APE was formed in 2004 to oversee the jumble of residual state holdings that followed the 1990s privatisation wave (which undid the nationalisations of the early 1980s). In most cases the state held on to some shares. Last year the centre-right government of President Nicolas Sarkozy gave it more powers to manage its stakes: it became the core of a new industrial policy. Arnaud Montebourg, the new Socialist minister of industry, now shares oversight of the APE with his finance counterpart. There are rumours that he will force one of its charges—Thalès—into the arms of Safran, another aerospace group. Safran itself has only recently emerged from a disastrous period after it was created in 2005 by a forced marriage of Snecma (a successful maker of jet engines) and Sagem, a defence-electronics group.
The APE portfolio runs to 58 companies. Its stakes in the top 12 listed firms have a combined value of some €58 billion. These companies include not only privatised utilities such as EDF, France Télécom and GDF SUEZ, but also Air France KLM, EADS, Areva (a nuclear giant) and Renault, another carmaker. GDF SUEZ is an interesting case. The merger in 2007 of GDF, a state-owned gas group, and Suez, a private one, was hailed as a privatisation. But it now looks more like the partial nationalisation of Suez.
The forthcoming annual report of APE, some of which has leaked to Le Figaro, a French newspaper, will show that net profits across the state’s portfolio fell in 2011 from €7.9 billion to €5.8 billion—a drop of 26% on the previous year. The value of the holdings also fell by nearly 13%, while the French stockmarket rose by almost 5%. This lacklustre performance is probably not due to mismanagement. Rather, it is because the big energy stocks such as EDF and GDF Suez have done badly, thanks to weak demand for power in Europe.
There is more to the French government’s industrial influence than its shares in big firms. Last month the government announced the formation of a Banque Publique d’Investissement (BPI). Its main role will be to channel state funds to promising firms by taking small stakes alongside private-equity investors. (The BPI is formed from a merger of the Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement, created by the previous administration to jazz up finance for small and medium businesses, and OSEO, another state financier.)
François Hollande, France’s president, thinks the BPI can jump-start a French version of Germany’s Mittelstand. But the BPI also has a mandate to act generally in the public interest—which could justify bailing out any firm. One of its earliest acts was to invest some $150m in taking a 6% stake in CMA CGM, the world’s third-largest container-shipping line, formed from the merger of a privatised state firm and a private group, held largely by a Turkish family. Buffeted by the weak shipping market, the group is struggling to refinance its debts.
No one is suggesting that Europe’s economic crisis is driving a return to the mega-nationalisations that created the (now defunct) giant state holding companies such as Italy’s IRI or Spain’s INI in the aftermath of the 1930s depression. Indeed, the most beleaguered European governments, in Spain, Greece and Portugal, are desperately trying to privatise state assets to plug the holes in their budgets.
But when even centre-right governments such as Germany’s or the previous French administration start buying up industrial stakes, something is in the air. And comparisons with Barack Obama’s rescue of General Motors are inexact. President Obama’s government took control of car firms in a quick in-and-out operation, like financial Navy SEALs. Europe’s interventions may look less dramatic, but they could last much longer.

Fascismo economico em construcao no Brasil: Correios monopolizam entrega de passaportes

Mantida entrega de passaporte pelos Correios
A exclusividade da atuação dos Correios no serviço de entrega de passaportes no Brasil foi mantida por decisão do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região. A corte, que atende aos estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul, confirmou decisão liminar da 8ª Vara da Justiça Federal em São Paulo.
Segundo os Correios, os consulados e a Embaixada dos EUA já foram informados da disposição da empresa para receber e despachar os passaportes em remessas expressas com pagamento à vista.
Os Correios informam que têm mantido reuniões com os serviços consulares norte-americanos e com a DHL Brasil, empresa até então responsável pela postagem dos passaportes, e que está pronta para “prosseguir com a celebração do contrato para o início das atividades de distribuição”.
Desde a decisão de primeira instância, a Embaixada dos EUA havia alertado sobre uma possível demora na devolução dos passaportes com os vistos. 
Para evitar prejuízos aos cidadãos, o juiz federal Clécio Braschi, titular da 8ª Vara Cível, determinou que os passaportes fossem enviados pelos Correios até o fim do processo.

Fonte: Agência Brasil.

Latin America and a Food Price Shock - IMF blog

Latin America and the Caribbean: Dealing with Another Food Price Shock

World food prices are on the rise again owing mainly to global weather-related shocks. This has led to concern that the rise could result in higher inflation and hurt the most vulnerable.
Two points to note are that the recent increase in food prices has been less acute than the two previous episodes (in mid-2008 and early 2011), and features differences across commodities. For example, while the price ofsoybeanscorn andwheat are up sharply, coffee and sugar prices are down. Market projections suggest that corn, soy, and wheat prices will stay high through end-2012, but then decline gradually as supply conditions normalize.

Watching out for inflation

The impact on domestic inflation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the latest food price shock is beginning to be felt, although the pass-through to core (or underlying) inflation has been relatively limited thus far.
Monetary authorities need to remain vigilant, however, as the impact of global food price shocks on inflation and inflation expectations can be significant, and often operate with a lag.
Countries with weaker monetary policy frameworks should be particularly alert and be ready to act decisively in view of their historically high pass-through from global to domestic food prices, and from domestic food prices to core inflation (for more detail, see our previous research).
Wage restraint will be required in countries with pegged exchange rate regimes or dollarized economies.

Uneven impact

The impact on the balance of payments of the higher food prices is also likely to differ across the region. While Southern Cone countries (which export soybeans, corn, and wheat) stand to benefit the most from the recent spike in food prices, the Caribbean, a large food importer, stands the most to lose.
Central America also will be adversely affected even though it is a net food exporter, because it imports corn and wheat (whose prices have risen) and exports coffee and sugar (whose prices have declined). Thesefood price trends are adding to the external imbalances in the Caribbean and Central America, which have been affected by high energy prices for several years.

Protecting the poor

Policies to protect the poor, which tend to spend a larger share of their income on food, will need to be accommodated within tight budgets.
Countries that need to reduce public debt (the Caribbean) or regain policy space (Central America) will have to adopt those policies while keeping overall spending at a sustainable level.
Countries operating near potential (South America’s commodity exporters) would have to reallocate spending from other areas to income support for the poor to keep fiscal positions in check.
Countries could scale up well-targeted social safety net programs(while avoiding generalized price subsidies), and reduce taxes/tariffs on food items temporarily (while avoiding export taxes/restrictions as they generally distort production incentives and are difficult to unwind). Supply-side policies could be also considered to encourage food production (for example, subsidies on fertilizers and seeds), although these should be limited to clear cases of market failure in the agricultural sector.

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Nunca antes nesse pais, tao poucos, nao sabiam de nada sobre tantas patifarias...

Pois é, a grande questão agora passa a ser esta: o círculo se fechará finalmente sobre o capo di tutti i cappi?
Com a palavra o Ministério Público e a Procuradoria Geral da República.
Acho que está na hora de fazer um daqueles filmes italianos apimentados: eu me lembro, por exemplo, de um baseado numa novela, absolutamente realista e fidedigna, de Leonardo Sciacia: Cadaveri Eccelenti.
Por aqui já tivemos vários cadávares, mas não exatamente excelentes, talvez cheirando a podridão da corrupção, mas tem gente que não liga.
Vamos ver como serão e de onde virão as reações...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Valério cita Lula e Palocci em novo depoimento ao MPF sobre o mensalão

Empresário formaliza pedido para sua inclusão no programa de testemunhas enviando fax ao STF

Ricardo Brito e Fausto Macedo
O Estado de S.Paulo, 1 de novembro de 2012 | 2h 05
Empresário condenado como o operador do mensalão, Marcos Valério Fernandes de Souza prestou depoimento ao Ministério Público Federal no fim de setembro. Espontaneamente, marcou uma audiência com o procurador-geral da República, Roberto Gurgel. Fez relatos novos e afirmou que, se for incluído no programa de proteção à testemunha - o que o livraria da cadeia -, poderá dar mais detalhes das acusações.
Valério formalizou o pedido para sua inclusão no programa de testemunhas enviando um fax ao Supremo - Dida Sampaio/AE
Dida Sampaio/AE
Valério formalizou o pedido para sua inclusão no programa de testemunhas enviando um fax ao Supremo
Dias depois do novo depoimento, Valério formalizou o pedido para sua inclusão no programa de testemunhas enviando um fax ao Supremo Tribunal Federal. O depoimento é mantido sob sigilo. Segundo investigadores, há menção ao ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, ao ex-ministro Antonio Palocci e a outras remessas de recursos para o exterior além da julgada pelo Supremo no mensalão - o tribunal analisou o caso do dinheiro enviado a Duda Mendonça em Miami e acabou absolvendo o publicitário.
Ainda no recente depoimento à Procuradoria, Valério disse já ter sido ameaçado de morte e falou sobre um assunto com o qual parecia não ter intimidade: o assassinato em 2002 do então prefeito de Santo André, Celso Daniel.
A "troca" proposta pelo empresário mineiro, se concretizada, poderá livrá-lo da prisão porque as testemunhas incluídas no programa de proteção acabam mudando de nome e passam a viver em local sigiloso tentando ter uma vida normal. No caso da condenação do mensalão, Valério será punido com regime fechado de detenção. A pena ultrapassou 40 anos - o tempo da punição ainda poderá sofrer alterações no processo de dosimetria. O empresário ainda responde a pelo menos outras dez ações criminais, entre elas a do mensalão mineiro.
Ressalvas. Os detalhes do depoimento, assinado por Valério e pelo criminalista Marcelo Leonardo, seu advogado, são tratados com reserva pelo Ministério Público. O empresário sempre foi visto por procuradores da República como um "jogador". Anteriormente, chegou a propor um acordo de delação perante o ex-procurador-geral da República Antonio Fernando de Souza - autor da denúncia contra o mensalão -, mas, sem apresentar novidades, o pedido foi recusado.
O novo depoimento pode ser, na avaliação de procuradores, mais uma manobra estratégica a fim de ele tentar se livrar da severa punição imposta pelo STF.
Por isso, as informações e novas acusações estão sob segredo.
O Ministério Público analisará se abre ou não novo processo para investigar a veracidade dos dados. Gurgel ainda avalia se aceita ou não incluir Valério no programa de proteção a testemunhas.
O advogado de Valério não quis comentar o assunto num primeiro momento. Depois, disse: "Se essa matéria for publicada e o meu cliente for assassinado terei que dizer que ele foi assassinado por causa dessa matéria. Não tenho outra opção".
O envio do fax ao STF com o pedido de proteção foi confirmado na terça-feira passada, pelo presidente da Corte, ministro Carlos Ayres Britto. "Chegou um fax. Não posso dizer o conteúdo porque está sob sigilo."
O pedido foi destinado ao gabinete do relator do processo do mensalão, ministro Joaquim Barbosa, e encaminhado para análise da Procuradoria-Geral.
Os novos relatos feitos por Valério não terão efeito imediato na ação do mensalão. As penas continuarão a ser aplicadas. Eventualmente, caso haja um acordo de delação premiada num novo processo, o cumprimento da pena pode ser revisto e até diminuído, a depender da Justiça.

SSRN: seja um mestre em economia pela internetSSRN

Hoje em dia tudo, absolutamente tudo se encontra na internet, online, disponível, sem sequer precisar googlelizar um pouco que seja. As "coisas" caem literalmente na caixa postal, e é só abrir e aprender o que se pretende.
Abaixo, um curso completo sobre políticas fiscais pelo SSRN.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

In cooperation with Bank of Italy, the Economics Research Network (ERN) is pleased to announce a collection of eighteen conferences available in the SSRN eLibrary.

1998 Indicators of Structural Budget Balances Conference

Description: The first Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of the debate concerning the development and the use of structural indicators for the budget balances. The new EMU framework enhances the importance of structural budget balances, which assess the budgetary position net of the cyclical component and provide an indication of the available room for manoeuvre. Structural balance estimates are essential for the effectiveness of the multilateral surveillance mechanism introduced by the Maastricht Treaty and completed by the Stability and Growth Pact. Past experience indicates that policy-makers often let the structural deficit increase in periods of relatively high economic growth. In other words, part of the improvement of budgetary balances stemming from the cycle was used to carry out expansionary discretionary policies. Thus the success of monetary union appears to require substantial changes in the policies implemented in good times. This requires, inter alia, also instruments allowing an accurate monitoring of budgetary situations.

2000 Fiscal Sustainability Conference

Description: The issue of fiscal sustainability takes on a special relevance in the European Union. It is actually at the core of the budgetary framework underlying European Monetary Union. The Treaty of Maastricht and the Stability and Growth Pact have set fiscal rules and monitoring procedures aimed at restraining deficit and debt levels while allowing room for fiscal stabilisation. The assessment of prospective compliance with EMU fiscal rules is crucial to timely corrective intervention. The second Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances examined all these issues and was divided in four sections. The first section sets the ground for the discussion by addressing conceptual and definitional issues. The second and the third sections include papers presenting applications of different techniques for the assessment of fiscal sustainability. The former covers expenditure and revenue projections and the latter deals exclusively with generational accounting. The fourth and concluding section focuses on policy issues.

2001 Fiscal Rules Conference

Description: Fiscal rules are one of the building blocks of European Monetary Union (EMU). The Treaty of Maastricht and the Stability and Growth Pact set rules and monitoring procedures geared at restraining deficit and debt levels while allowing room for fiscal stabilisation. This fact alone provides sufficient reason for a workshop on fiscal rules. However, further motivation is to be found in the recent debates taking place in several countries about the introduction of rules at the national or decentralised level and in the extensive literature about the rationale of rules. The third Banca d'Italia workshop on public finance aimed at providing an overview of the theoretical and empirical problems involved in the design and in the implementation of fiscal rules. It examines the role of rules at different levels of government and offers indications about the experiences of some countries. The analysis is particularly relevant as the policy debate is gradually moving from how to achieve fiscal consolidation to defining suitable medium and long-term objectives and also to designing institutions and rules that ensure the durability of sound fiscal positions. The papers presented at the workshop were allocated in four sessions. The first session examines the pros and cons of fiscal rules from a general point of view. In the second session, the focus narrows to the rules introduced in the European Union. In the third session, the analysis is broadened to encompass not only numerical rules but also budgetary procedures and institutions. In the fourth, the solutions experimented in different countries are analysed with reference to the specific institutional setting of fiscal federalism.

2002 The Impact of Fiscal Policy Conference

Description: The fourth Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing an overview of the theoretical and empirical problems that can be encountered in the analysis of the impact of fiscal policy. The papers contribute to the discussion by addressing the following questions: What do we know about the effects of fiscal policy in the short term? What indicators can we use? What is the impact of stabilisers? What do we know about the long-term effects of fiscal policy on economic growth? What are the policy issues under discussion in the main countries and economic areas? The papers presented at the workshop were allocated in four sessions. The first session considered the methodological issues related to the measurement of the impact of fiscal policy. The second session examined the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilising the economy and the roles of automatic stabilisers and discretionary policy. The third session considered the impact of fiscal policy on structural features of the economy and its effects on long-term growth. The fourth session was devoted to the analysis of the main policy issues faced by OECD countries, such as the seeming ineffectiveness of fiscal policy in some countries, the management of surpluses and the role of national policies in a currency union.

2003 Local Economies & Internationalization in Italy Conference

Description: The papers presented here mark the completion of a research project launched two years earlier and sponsored by Banca d'Italia and the Statistics Department of the University of Bologna. The project shed some light on the very particular structure of the Italian economy. In its distribution of firms by size, its sectoral specialisation and its technological level, the structure of the Italian economy contrasts sharply with that of the economies with which it is ordinarily compared. On this score very little has changed over the years; indeed, from a relative point of view Italian industry's distinctive sectoral and size characteristics have grown even more pronounced. Investigators of local systems of small enterprises have shown that these are not necessarily technologically backward, but it remains true that the sectoral specialisation of the Italian economy, and more specifically of Italian industry, is such that the more advanced sectors are significantly under-represented. The question, then, is whether this structure causes sub-optimal resource allocation or imposes constraints on growth. Sub-optimality and constraints could be due to two main causes: the prevalence of small firms could limit the exploitation of static and dynamic technical economies of scale, while the low incidence of sectors with higher growth potential, together with the high incidence of 'traditional' sectors that are labour-intensive (and thus potentially exposed to competition from the emerging countries) could limit the growth potential of the system as a whole owing to a composition effect.

2003 Tax Policy Conference

Description: The fifth Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing an updated overview of both the analytical developments and the policy debate concerning tax policy. It covered both microeconomics issues, such as the effects of taxation on labour and capital markets, and macroeconomic issues, such as the role of taxation in stabilisation policy. It explored the implications of economic integration on tax bases and the issue of tax harmonisation. It considered the effects of taxation on income distribution. It focused on the policy issues currently discussed in European countries and other regions, thereby highlighting similarities and differences in tax policy challenges across countries of different levels of development. They illustrate the multiple objectives pursued by recent tax reforms: limiting distortions of economic decisions, enhancing equity, ensuring fiscal stabilisation, raising competitiveness and contributing to the long term sustainability of public finances. The different methodological approaches of the papers emphasise the wide variety of research in the field. Some papers draw from theoretical models and others from empirical investigations, others directly from the policy debate. The workshop allowed experts from central banks, ministries and economic institutions of several countries, international economic organisations and the academic world to discuss the design and economic effects of tax policy.

2004 Public Debt Conference

Description: The sixth Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing an overview of the theoretical and empirical work concerning public debt. It included analytical papers examining the definition, the measurement, the role and the effects of public debt. It also included papers tackling policy issues from different angles and different national perspectives. The workshop allowed experts from central banks, ministries and economic institutions of several countries, the main international economic organisations and the academic world to discuss the economic effects of public debt and policy options. The papers illustrate the complexity of the definition of public liabilities. They examine the effects of public debt on saving, financial markets and intergenerational redistribution. They consider the role of public debt in the design and implementation of fiscal policy rules at the national and European levels. They evaluate the role of public debt in a context of demographic ageing. They examine the evolution of debt management. The various methodological approaches of the papers highlight the wide variety of research in the field of public debt analysis. Some papers draw from theoretical models, others from empirical investigations and others from the policy debate.

2005 Financial Accounts: History, Methods, the Case of Italy & International Comparisons Conference

Description: The financial accounts record financial assets and liabilities in terms of stocks and flows and are used to study subjects such as the composition of households' savings and wealth, the quantity of funds raised by enterprises and general government, the financial position of a country vis-a-vis the rest of the world, and the evolution of financial systems. The Bank of Italy has published Italy's financial accounts since the beginning of the sixties and contributes to the ECB presentation of the euro-area's financial accounts. This workshop provides an overview of different aspects of the financial accounts. It is organized into four Sections. The first Section covers historical issues concerning the origins of the financial accounts. The second Section analyzes methodological subjects, such as the reconstruction of annual financial accounts since 1950, the estimates of quarterly accounts, the inclusion of future pension liabilities in financial accounts, and the comparison with the Bank of Italy survey of household income and wealth. The third Section focuses on the evolution of the Italian financial system, on the impact of taxation on financial assets and liabilities and on the monetary policy effects on the flow of funds. The fourth Section provides some international comparisons of financial systems and studies the convergence of financial structures in Europe.

2005 Public Expenditure Conference

Description: The seventh Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and empirical work concerning the role and effects of public expenditure and the policy debate about public expenditure management and reforms. The workshop included papers examining public expenditure trends, the efficiency and effects of public spending, the role of public spending in fiscal policy management and public expenditure reforms. The papers highlight the wide variety of research in the field of public expenditure analysis and the complexity of the policy issues. Some papers draw from theoretical models, others from empirical investigations, others directly from the policy debate. The workshop allowed experts from the central banks, the ministries and economic institutions of several countries, the main international economic organisations and the academic world to discuss the economic effects of public expenditure and policy options.

2006 Fiscal Indicators Conference

Description: The eighth Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of the recent theoretical and empirical work on fiscal indicators and their use in the policy debate. The papers covered four topics: indicators of the effects of macroeconomic developments and discretionary policy decisions on public budgets; indicators of the impact of fiscal policy on output, growth and stabilisation; indicators of fiscal sustainability and the role of fiscal indicators in the policy debate. The papers highlight the progress made in the development of fiscal indicators and point to the problems still to be tackled. They also emphasize the complexity of the technical and policy issues involved in the use of fiscal indicators. The workshop allowed experts from the central banks, ministries and economic institutions of several countries, the leading international economic organisations and the academic world to discuss the main theoretical and empirical issues concerning fiscal indicators.

2007 Fiscal Policy: Current Issues & Challenges Conference

Description: The ninth Banca d'Italia workshop on public finances examined four issues that are at the core of the current fiscal policy debate: fiscal stabilisation, fiscal consolidation, budgetary institutions, and the control of public expenditure. Session 1 focused on the relationship between cyclical conditions and fiscal policy and the role of fiscal stabilisers and discretionary policy. Session 2 explored the factors affecting the success of fiscal consolidation efforts and the economic impact of fiscal adjustment. Session 3 examined the role of fiscal institutions and procedures in shaping fiscal policy and achieving and maintaining sound budgetary positions. Session 4 focused on the design of expenditure rules and the role of structural reforms. The papers provide a broad overview of the ongoing work in central banks, ministries, the main international economic organisations and the academic world. They highlight the wide variety of research in the field of fiscal policy and the complexity of the underlying policy issues. Some papers draw from theoretical models, others from empirical investigations, others directly from the policy debate.

2007 Household Wealth in Italy Conference

Description: Wealth is an essential indicator of households' material well-being: assessing its amount, trend and distribution is useful to understand our society and the way it evolves. Availability of data on wealth allows the central bank to understand better the interaction between households' behaviour, financial markets and the main macroeconomic variables, and supports the analysis needed to perform the institutional functions of a central bank. In Italy, systematic macroeconomic estimates on overall household wealth are currently not available. A research project focusing on this specific topic has been set up by the Bank of Italy, which has dealt with the analysis of households' economic behaviour for a long time and publishes data on financial assets and liabilities. The aim of the conference was to collect the experts' opinions on the methods used to obtain the wealth estimates in question. Moreover, the scientific works discussed at the conference have addressed the various aspects of wealth: amount, evolution, composition, distribution, origins. The discussion arising from this conference was helpful for the forthcoming production of the new estimates provided on a regular basis by the Bank of Italy.

2008 Fiscal Sustainability: Analytical Developments & Emerging Policy Issues Conference

Description: The tenth Banca d'Italia Workshop on public finances was devoted to the issue of Fiscal Sustainability. It aimed at highlighting recent analytical developments and emerging policy issues. Session 1 examined the new methodologies for assessing fiscal sustainability, either via long-term projections or summary indicators. Session 2 considered the fiscal policy implications of sustainability assessment. Section 3 examined health care and long-term care. Section 4 dealt with environmental issues and sustainability reporting in the policy debate.

2008 Policies for Local Development Conference

Description: There is a particularly rich tradition of local development policies in Italy. Measures to overcome geographical disparities received a boost in the mid-1990s when a new approach, the "Nuova Programmazione," was launched. Today, debate on how to evaluate recent policies continues together with proposals for intervention, changed in part by the experience of other countries. This workshop, organized by the Bank of Italy's Structural Studies Department, will provide the scientific community, policymakers and the public with analysis and empirical findings to contribute to an informed discussion on the effectiveness of policies for social cohesion.

2009 Financial Market Regulation in the Wake of Financial Crises: The Historical Experience Conference

Description: According to most observers, de-regulated or poorly regulated financial markets (particularly as far as innovative instruments are concerned) either produced or exacerbated the current financial crisis. Thorough reconsideration of financial regulation is currently underway and likely to result in deep re-regulation of financial markets. Several previous financial crises followed the same pattern: in particular, new - often encompassing - legislation about financial market regulation was introduced as the result of financial crises. A review of past experiences might therefore be useful to economists, regulators and policy makers as they set out to design a new regulatory environment in the wake of the current financial crisis. To that end, the Bank of Italy convened this conference on the historical experience of post-crisis financial regulation.

2009 Pension Reform, Fiscal Policy & Economic Performance Conference

Description: The 11th Workshop on Public Finance - organised by Banca d'Italia in Perugia on 26-28 March 2009 - examined the issue of pension reform with the purpose of highlighting the recent analytical developments and the most relevant policy issues. Session 1 examined the impact of pension reforms on the labour market and their effects on investments in human capital and productivity growth. Session 2 was devoted to the impact of pension reforms on capital markets, and specifically on the effects of funded schemes. Section 3 considered the impact of reforms on income distribution, within and across generations, and macroeconomic developments. Section 4 dealt with the political economy of pension reforms and their role in the broader fiscal policy context.

2010 Banks, Local Credit Markets & Credit Supply Conference

Description: On 24 March 2010, the Bank of Italy - together with the Paolo Baffi Centre of Universita Bocconi - organized a conference on "Banks, local credit markets and credit supply". The papers presented in the two sessions of the conference will analyse the organization of banks and their lending to small and medium enterprises.

2010 Fiscal Policy: Lessons from the Crisis Conference

Description: The 12th Workshop on Public Finance - organised by Banca d'Italia in Perugia on 25-27 March 2010 - focused on the implications for fiscal policy analysis of the 2008-09 recession, the most severe at global level since the Great Depression. Session 1 examined the lessons of the crisis for the role of automatic stabilisers and discretionary fiscal policy. Session 2 investigated the effects of policy actions on the economy. Section 3 considered the impact of the crisis on fiscal policy rules and procedures. Section 4 dealt with the economic legacy of the crisis and the policy actions required in the years to come.

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Michael C. Jensen
Economics Research Network

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Cuba nao consegue se alimentar sozinha: carencias alimentares

A julgar pela nota abaixo, o socialismo castrista conseguiu transformar Cuba, além de ser uma ilha-prisão, e uma fazenda pessoal dos Castros, num país de anões subnutridos e famélicos.
Ou seja, o Brasil já estava se preparando para enviar alimentos quando eles ficaram ainda mais pobres e miseráveis com a passagem do furacão Sandy. Triste mas verdade...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Ministério das Relações Exteriores
Assessoria de Imprensa do Gabinete

Nota à Imprensa nº 264
1º de novembro de 2012

Furacão "Sandy": assistência humanitária a Haiti e Cuba

O Governo brasileiro enviará assistência humanitária às vítimas do furacão "Sandy" no Haiti e em Cuba. Para o Haiti, serão remetidos recursos no valor de 100 mil dólares por meio da Embaixada do Brasil em Porto Príncipe, para a realização de compras locais e distribuição de insumos prioritários no atendimento aos flagelados. Os recursos para Cuba, também da ordem de 100 mil dólares, serão encaminhados por meio da Cruz Vermelha Internacional, para atividades de cooperação humanitária de caráter emergencial.

Adicionalmente, já estava programada para o final de novembro doação do Governo brasileiro a Cuba, por meio do Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) das Nações Unidas, de 25 mil toneladas de arroz, para o reforço de programas de segurança alimentar e nutricional nesse país. A doação também contribuirá para a amenização dos efeitos do furacão "Sandy" sobre a ilha. 

Bolsas no Canada: Drogas, Segurança e Democracia

Drogas, Segurança e Democracia
O convite será aberto em outubro de 2012, próximo prazo é 20 de janeiro de 2013.
[English] | [Spanish] | [Portuguese]

O Programa de Bolsas Drogas, Segurança e Democracia (DSD) apoia pesquisas sobre criminalidade organizada, política referente a drogas, questões de governança e temas relacionados nas ciências sociais e disciplinas afins. O objetivo do programa é desenvolver uma concentração de pesquisadores com interesse em resultados com relevância política e que estejam dispostos a tornar-se membros de uma rede interdisciplinar global.

As pesquisas financiadas pelo DSD têm de enfocar o relacionamento entre pelo menos dois dos três temas abaixo:
  1. Drogas: os potenciais temas são, entre outros, política internacional e regional referente a drogas, tráfico de drogas, criminalidade organizada, produção de drogas e impacto sobre comunidades, inclusive delinquência juvenil e gangues.
  2. Segurança: entre os temas relevantes figuram questões de segurança
  3. Democracia: entre os temas relevantes figuram questões de governança, redes da sociedade civil e como mobilizar contra a criminalidade organizada e as drogas, liberdade de imprensa, impunidade, corrupção e intervenientes não estatais.
O controle de substâncias ilícitas em campanhas de violência na fronteira, e eleitoral, a mídia e os fluxos globais de violência e drogas são exemplos de uma variedade de tópicos de pesquisa incluem a relação entre dois dos três itens da agenda . Além disso, o programa incentiva projetos interdisciplinares e os temas que abrangem transnacional e regional.
Clique aqui para ver exemplos de projetos de pesquisa financiados no passado.

O Programa DSD oferece duas competições:
  • Bolsa de apoio a tese: essa competição está aberta a candidatos a PhD no mundo inteiro, que tenham um prospecto de tese aprovado até 1° de julho de 2012, mas que ainda não concluíram a elaboração para apresentação final.
  • Bolsa de apoio a pesquisa: aceitam-se inscrições de:
    - Doutores no mundo inteiro, que tenham concluído seu PhD não mais do que 7 anos antes do prazo de inscrição.
    - Pesquisadores na América Latina ou no Caribe, sem PhD, mas que tenham mestrado ou o grau final em sua área ou experiência profissional equivalente. Aceitam-se candidaturas de pesquisadores em profissões fora da academia.
Cidadãos e residentes da América Latina e do Caribe são incentivados a candidatar-se.

O Programa DSD oferece apoio para um mínimo de três (3) até um máximo de 12 meses de pesquisa. Os candidatos devem passar pelo menos três meses realizando pesquisas na América Latina ou no Caribe. Os valores das bolsas variam de acordo com o plano de pesquisa; contudo, será oferecido apoio para despesas de viagem e subsistência, assim como custos associados à pesquisa. A bolsa visa a apoiar um pesquisador individual, quer esteja trabalhando sozinho ou em colaboração com outros pesquisadores.
A bolsa inclui a participação obrigatória em dois workshops interdisciplinares, um antes da pesquisa e outro no fim do período da bolsa. Os workshops serão organizados pela Universidad de los Andes, a serem realizados em agosto, na América Latina. Serão oferecidas viagem e hospedagem.

As inscrições estão disponíveis on-line, em http://soap.ssrc.org.
Prazo: 20 de janeiro, anualmente.
O Programa DSD é financiado pelo Open Society Foundations y International Development Research Centre em Canada. O programa é uma parceria entre a OSF, IDRC, SSRC e a Universidad de los Andes, em Bogotá, na Colômbia.
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Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada