domingo, 9 de julho de 2006

580) New kid in the block: enter the Copenhagen Consensus

Já tivemos o Consenso de Washington, depois o de Buenos Aires (quem ouviu falar?) e vários outros anti- e pós- consensos de todo tipo.
Agora temos o Consenso de Copenhagen, cuja explicação segue abaixo.
Para uma demonstração prática de seus objetivos eu recomendaria ler a matéria do The Wall Street Journal, do sábado 8 de julho de 2006, que eu publiquei em meu blog auxiliar de Textos, neste link.


The Copenhagen Consensus Center

The Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC) is a center under the auspices of the Copenhagen Business School. Through the commissioning and conveying of research, we work to improve the foundation for prioritizing between various efforts to mitigate the consequences of the World's biggest challenges. In particular we focus on the international community's effort to solve the World's biggest challenges and how to do this in the most cost-efficient manner.

The idea is simple, yet often neglected. When financial resources are limited you need to prioritize your effort. Everyday, from policymakers to business leaders, at all levels, priorities are made between investing in one project and not another. However, many times, and particularly at the political level, decisions on priorities are made not based on facts, science or calculations but on which issue gets the most media coverage or is most politisized. The Copenhagen Consensus approach works to improve the foundation of knowledge, to get an overview of research and facts within a given problem, so that the prioritizing of efforts to solve this problem is based on evidence and is comparable with solutions across problems.

The Copenhagen Consensus approach originated from a small group of people headed by Bjørn Lomborg, then director of the Danish Environmental Assessment Institute, in the late 2002. During 2003, the idea turned into a formalized approach and an outline for a conference. In May 2004, the Copenhagen Consensus conference took place in Copenhagen and got together 8 of the World's leading economists, including 4 Nobel Laureates, and 30 of the World's top specialists within the ten problem areas.

CCC's core task, Copenhagen Consensus 2008, is funded by The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. CC08 will follow-up on CC04 and take stock of the World's problems and come up with cost-efficient solutions to mitigate the negative consequences of these problems. In addition, CCC works with international organisations and policy makers on projects where applying the Copenhagen Consensus approach enhances performance and goal achievement in the work with large and complex problems of national/international concern.

Ver a matéria: "Get Your Priorities Right: A rationalist crusader does the math on global warming"
The Wall Street Journal, Saturday, July 8, 2006

Um comentário:

  1. Testando. Tudo Ok, agora consegui entrar com traquilidade.
    Um abraço.


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