sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2007

822) China, according to Foreign Affairs journal

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: January/February 2008
Issue Preview (December 21, 2007)


China is changing rapidly, and its rise has led to widespread fears in western capitals. But Beijing's rapid economic growth and increasing political clout will not spell the demise of the liberal international order, argues G. John Ikenberry, so long as the West plays its cards correctly. As part of a special package on China, John Thornton assesses the prospects for Chinese democracy nearly two decades after the Tiananmen Square protests; Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt and Andrew Small reexamine Beijing's policy of nonintervention and its relations with pariah states; and David Hale and Lyric Hughes Hale warn that forced currency revaluation is not the solution to the large U.S.-Chinese trade imbalance.

Democracy in China
John L. Thornton
China's politics are evolving -- but very slowly and in their own distinct
Full text

Can the West Handle Chinese Power?
G. John Ikenberry
Washington can manage China's rise -- with the help of a strong liberal
international order.
Full text

Beijing's Friendly Tyrant Problem
Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt and Andrew Small
Chinese support for pariah regimes in Burma, Sudan, and North Korea is
dropping —- slightly.
500-word preview

Reconsidering Revaluation
David D. Hale and Lyric Hughes Hale
Pressuring China to strengthen its currency is a bad solution to the
wrong problem.
500-word preview

Um comentário:

  1. Dr. Paulo Almeida,

    Inicialmente, desejo um Feliz Natal e que o ano vindouro traga alegrias, paz e serenidade à vossa pessoa e família.

    Sou um leitor assíduo de seu Blog, especialmente quando aqui se trata das relações comerciais entre Brasil e USA.

    Dr., pretendo participar do próximo concurso para ingresso na carreira diplomática - na verdade é o único concurso que me interessa. Por isso, gostaria de solicitar algumas sugestões de leitura, até porque uma das propostas deste espaço digital é abordar a carreira diplomática.

    Além das sugestões de leitura, outras que o senhor entender sejam imprescindíveis para este desiderato tão especial que narrei anteriormente.

    Abraços distintos deste leitor baiano,

    Samuel Queiroz Junior


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