sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2008

835) Conferência da International Law Association, no Rio de Janeiro, em agosto de 2008

73a. Conferência da ILA - international Law Association
17 a 21 de agosto, Rio de Janeiro.

Internacional Law on Natural Resources and Sustainable Development

International Law on Biotechnology
The Biodiversity Convention, Regional and National Instruments, and Access to Bio-Resources
Biodiversity: The Concept of Traditional Knowledge and Unfair Competition
Intellectual Property Rights upon Live Organism Products: Different Approaches
International Law on Sustainable Development
The Shared Management of Natural Resources
Revisiting Sovereignty over Natural Resources: the Latin American intellectual legacy and the taking of new directions
The Kyoto Protocol and the International Capital Markets
Outer Continental Shelf
Access of Non-Party States to the International Commission on the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf
The Human Person in International Law

International Family Law
Rights of Children: International Cooperation in the Fields of Maintenance, Adoption, Custody and Abduction
New Models of Family Units: Same-Sex Marriages and Unwed Relationships
International Human Rights Law
The Mis(use) of the Human Right Argument and Preemptive Intervention in the Contemporary International Arena
Violence as a Denial of Human Rights
Implementation of International Systems of Human Rights Protection into National Legal Systems
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Rights on Land and Natural Resources
Indigenous Rights in International Law and Domestic law: Conflicting Approaches
Compensation for Victims of War
Justice for Victims of War
International Criminal Law
National, International and Universal Criminal Jurisdiction: Aspects of Antagonism and Complementarity
The Rights of Victims in International Criminal Jurisdiction
International Law on Business and Trade

Consumer Law
The Protection of Consumers in a Globalization Era
Relations between International Law and Consumer Law
Electronic Law
Cyber Criminality: National and International Rules
Contracts over the Internet: the Interplay Between National Laws and International Law
The Role of Civil Society in the International Regulation Process: ICANN as a Case Study

International Law on Foreign Investment
Bilateral Investment Protection Treaties: Recent Development
The ICSID Convention and the Settlement of Disputes in Economic Emergencies
International Securities Regulation
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Market and Compliance with National Law and Regulations
Regulation and Regulatory Accountability in an Era of MegaFunds and MegaMarkets
International Trade Law
Coherence Between Human Rights and International Economic Law?
How to Promote a Human Rights Culture in International Economic Institutions?
International Commercial Law
Soft Law Instruments in the Harmonization of International Contract Law: Achievements and Difficulties
The CISG and the Expansion of World Trade
International Private Dispute Resolution

International Commercial Arbitration
International Arbitration: Autonomy v. Territorialism
Public Policy and Mandatory Rules: Influence on the Applicable Law
The Influence of Cultural Factors on the Choice of the Arbitrator
Distortions in Contemporary Arbitration: The Problems of Becoming Popular
International Civil Litigation
Towards World Cooperation Standards: Prospects for the Hague Convention
The Realities of Regional Judicial Cooperation: Existing Experiences
Law on International Security

Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and Contemporary International Law
The International Regulation of Nuclear Technology and National Development Aspirations: Conflicting Views
Space Law
Outer Space as a Theater of War: Possible Global Effects
Space traffic Management: The Quest for Improvement of International Cooperation and Security
UN Reform
Where can the Security Council Modify States Human Rights Obligations in International Law?
Proposed Changes and the Security Councils New Challenges
Use of Force
Regional Developments on the Fight on Terrorism: Different Approaches
Armed Conflict of Non-International Character

Domingo, 17 de Agosto: 10h - 14h - Visita à cidade do Rio de Janeiro, incluindo o estádio do Maracanã, Sambódromo e visita panorâmica ao centro da cidade

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