sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

1783) Argentina: a arte de bem gerir o seu patrimonio

(o próprio e o adquirido...)

Argentina: Welcome to the Hotel Kirchner
The Economist, March 2, 2010

Set amid natural grandeur, where the southernmost Patagonian steppe meets the Andes and turquoise icebergs bob in Argentina’s biggest lake, the small town of El Calafate has become a magnet for well-heeled foreign tourists. It is also the adopted hometown of Cristina Fernández, Argentina’s president, and her husband and predecessor, Néstor Kirchner. They own a 45% stake in Los Sauces, one of the town’s most expensive hotels, where golf buggies are parked outside and Céline Dion songs are piped through the dining room. The Kirchners also own 98% of Hotesur, a company whose main asset is Alto Calafate, another luxury hotel in the town.

The first family’s business dealings have come under scrutiny since the release of the president’s official declaration of assets for 2008. This showed an increase in the first family’s wealth from $2.3m in 2003 to over $12m. During that time neither of the Kirchners had jobs outside politics. According to the declaration, most of their money comes from property deals in Santa Cruz province, where Mr Kirchner was governor before he became president.

In 2008 alone the Kirchners sold 14 properties in Santa Cruz. The most valuable was a plot of land bought from the municipality in El Calafate and sold on for 6.3m pesos ($2m at the time). Even after these sales, the Kirchners recorded a further 26 properties or plots of land on their books. The document also shows that they owe $2m to Banco Santa Cruz, the bank privatised by Mr Kirchner and now owned by Enrique Eskenazi (see article). In addition, the Kirchners are directors of a consultancy called El Chapel. It has been looked at and declared legitimate by the federal anti-corruption agency, but nobody knows very much about what it does.

The increase in the Kirchners’ wealth has been investigated by a judge, who declared that nothing was amiss. Manuel Garrido, a former chief anti-corruption prosecutor, thinks the investigation was incomplete and perfunctory. Mr Garrido resigned in March last year after he found his own investigation blocked by the procurador, an office equivalent to America’s solicitor-general that is currently occupied by Mr Kirchner’s former personal lawyer.


Argentina: A cuánto ascendería la fortuna K si gobiernan hasta el 2020
El Bolson Web, March 11, 2010

Al reasumir el cargo de presidente del Partido Justicialista en Chaco el diputado y ex presidente Néstor Kirchner dijo que el matrimonio pensaba gobernar hasta el año 2020. Teniendo en cuenta que, como lo señaló el Jefe de Gabinete, el patrimonio de los Kirchner “está vivo” y signos de vitalidad por cierto tiene, podríamos hacer una simple proyección de la suerte experimentada por sus haberes entre el 2003 y el 2008 para imaginar con cuánto dinero dejarían el poder de cumplirse la promesa de don Néstor.

Los Kirchner llegaron al gobierno en el 2003 con unos respetables 2 millones de pesos, según la declaración que hicieron ese año. En el 2008 el número se extendió hasta los 46 millones de pesos, es decir que en cinco años se multiplicó por 23 o lo que es lo mismo el 2300%. Proyectado esta vitalidad hasta el 2020, tomando como base los 46 millones del 2008, la familia Kirchner sería poseedora feliz de la muy tranquilizadora cifra de 219 mil millones de pesos.

Esto sería el equivalente a:

1. 8 veces y media el Fondo del Bicentenario o,

2. 1,2 veces las reservas del BCRA o,

3. El 40% de la deuda interna y externa

Una cantidad que conforme a las explicaciones de Diana Conti sobre el dinero presidencial, les permitirá seguir siendo revolucionarios por varias generaciones.

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