sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2010

2057) Nuclear Security - Stanley Foundation

Next Generation Nuclear Security
Stanley Foundation
Available on Monday, April 12

Watch the live Webcast

The Fissile Materials Working Group (FMWG), of which the Stanley Foundation is a member, is offering a live Webcast of its event Next Generation Nuclear Security: Meeting the Global Challenge on Monday, April 12. The broadcast will begin at 8:45 a.m. (EST). Edited, archived video of the event will also be posted 24 hours after its conclusion.

Additionally, the FMWG has a number of valuable resources available in advance of the unprecedented, heads of state Nuclear Security Summit taking place in Washington, DC, on April 12-13.

• A C-SPAN broadcast of a pre-summit press briefing by four members of the FMWG.
• A congressional briefing by Kenneth Luongo, president of Partnership for Global Security, on funding the objective of securing all vulnerable nuclear materials in four years.
• A congressional briefing by Matthew Bunn, associate professor at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, on securing nuclear stockpiles in four years.
• “Making the Nuclear Security Summit Matter: An Agenda for Action”—an article by Kenneth Luongo.
• The FMWG’s letter to Congress regarding adequate nuclear security funding in FY2011.
• A new FMWG column in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
• The FMWG’s three-part blog series on Nuclear Security Summit issues on the Partnership for a Secure America’s “Across the Aisle” blog.
Radioactive Challenge, an original video report by the Stanley Foundation about the challenge of securing fissile materials worldwide.

More information is available at

About The Stanley Foundation
The Stanley Foundation seeks a secure peace with freedom and justice, built on world citizenship and effective global governance. It brings fresh voices, original ideas, and lasting solutions to debates on global and regional problems. The foundation is a nonpartisan, private operating foundation, located in Muscatine, Iowa, that focuses on peace and security issues and advocates principled multilateralism. The foundation frequently collaborates with other organizations. It does not make grants. Online at

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