sexta-feira, 2 de julho de 2010

EUA: gastos militares do imperio enfraquecem o pais...

Parece contraditório, mas é verdade: quanto mais os EUA gastam com defesa, menos seguros eles estão, já que diminuindo o potencial de crescimento da economia e acumulando despesas não-produtivas...

Toward a Responsible Defense Budget
by Christopher Preble
Cato Institute, July 1, 2010

Christopher Preble is director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute and a member of the Sustainable Defense Task Force. He is the author of The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free.

The U.S. military budget has grown by 86% since 1998 and is now so large that even if the U.S. were to cut its military spending in half, it would still outspend every other nation in the world. Cato’s Christopher Preble writes in The Daily Caller:
Too many people…believe that the more you spend on the military the more secure you are. The opposite is closer to the truth. Our astronomical military spending has served chiefly to weaken the U.S. economy.

Read here

This article appeared on The Daily Caller on June 30, 2010.

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