sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

A economia a servico da politica no Brasil

Duas matérias na imprensa me chamaram a atenção, nesse capítulo da "mistura" (por falta de uma palavra melhor) da política com a economia, mas apenas depois de refletidas por uma agência estrangeira:

1) Brazil's Caixa to Fund 1 Billion Euros in Beef Exports to Iran, Valor Says
By Joshua Goodman
Bloomberg, Aug 13, 2010

Brazil’s state-controlled Caixa Economica Federal will finance up to 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in beef shipments to Iran after private banks refused to extend credit to exporters, fearing retaliation from the U.S. and European Union, Valor Economico said.
The financing will be backed by Brazil’s Treasury, which will be responsible for collecting payment from the Iranian government, the Sao Paulo-based newspaper said.
Sanctions imposed by the United Nations in June over Iran’s nuclear program, and followed up with tighter restrictions by the U.S. and EU, has led Brazilian banks to reject credit guarantees issued by Iranian banks, the newspaper said.
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in a visit to Tehran in May, signed an agreement to finance food exports to Iran, as well as boost investment and expand air connections between the two countries. Annual trade with Iran has more than doubled to $1.2 billion since Lula took office in 2003.

2) Brazil State Development Bank Loans May Be Questioned at WTO, Estado Says
By Andre Soliani
Bloomberg, Aug 13, 2010

Brazil’s national development bank’s loans to companies may be questioned by other countries at the World Trade Organization, O Estado de S.Paulo reported, citing unidentified Brazilian government officials.
The Geneva-based WTO will review the Brazilian state bank loans to meet a global trade requirement, the newspaper said. The Brazilian state bank loans aren’t a subsidy because the lender provides long-term lending that private banks fail to offer, Carlos Marcio Bicalho Cozedey, director of the Foreign Affair’s Economic Department, told Estado.
The Brazilian government estimates the subsidies granted through the state bank range from 18 billion reais ($10.2 billion) to 29.3 billion reais, Estado said, quoting officials it didn’t name.

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