segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

Ironias da historia: um peronista morto pela Republica Sindical...

Quando é que isso vai acontecer por aqui?
Não digo peronistas (embora existam alguns), mas equivalentes funcionais, digamos assim...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Argentina After Kirchner
Peronist strongman Néstor Kircher may be dead, but the power of Big Labor is alive and well–and holding back economic reform.



Buenos Aires

The night before former Argentine President Néstor Kirchner died of a heart attack—12 days ago—he is rumored to have had a heated argument with the leader of this country's largest labor union, known by its Spanish initials CGT. Some say it's what killed the Peronist strongman.

The dispute is instructive because it highlights the power of Big Labor in this country and explains why, despite the passing of this powerful politician who acted like a mob boss, there is still little hope that Argentina's economy will begin to modernize any time soon. It is also a cautionary tale ...
Eu também acho que discutir com líderes sindicais pode fazer mal à saúde...

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