quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2010

Banqueiros americanos vao passar um Natal miseravel

Não, não que eles estejam passando necessidades, sem recursos para comprar os presentes de Papai Noel das crianças.
Mas é que eles vão estar angustiados demais, como revela esta matéria do boletim oficial desses banqueiros.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Bankers' Fear of Forecasting Speaks Volumes
From the Editors of American Banker

Bankers remain hunkered down two years after the financial crisis, the most recent survey of bank executives conducted by American Banker in conjunction with Greenwich Associates shows.
Heading into a new year, industry leaders are unsure of the future and reluctant to make forecasts about the year ahead. For the most part, executives seem more at ease discussing the fate of their peers than their own strategic direction. Confidence, once overflowing among top executives, is lacking as the economy slowly recovers.

Bankers Hardly Know Where to Begin on Capital, Basel III
The conventional wisdom in banking is that capital requirements are going up. Ask a banker what that means and you're likely to be met with a shrug.
Many bankers are unsure how much capital is needed, if they already have enough or where to go if they are lacking. As bankers await final details of Basel III and brace for implementation of Dodd-Frank, 2011 capital plans are shrouded in uncertainty.

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