terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

New Book: The Brazilian State: Debate and Agenda

Bildner Western Hemisphere Studies

The Brazilian State: Debate and Agenda

We are delighted to announce the forthcoming publication The Brazilian State: Debate and Agenda (Lanham and New York: Lexington Books, 2011). This is a collection of essays edited by Professors Mauricio Font and Laura Randall, with the special assistance of Janaina Saad.

Part of the Bildner Western Hemisphere Studies series, this book contains papers and discussions from the conference The Brazilian State: Paths and Prospects of Dirigisme and Liberalization held at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, in November 2009.

The Brazilian State explores the changing roles, relation with society, and overall impact of the contemporary Brazilian State.
The 16 chapters by scholars from Brazil and the United States contribute to the understanding of various policy areas in an emerging and fast-growing country. Collectively, the papers probe
the relationship between state reform, institutional development, policy effectiveness, and economic dynamics since the 1930s. They provide analyses of issues that will be the center of debate in the presidency of the newly-elected Dilma Rousseff.

This volume is scheduled for publication in early 2011.

Mauricio A. Font is Professor of Sociology at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies.
Laura Randall is Professor Emerita of Economics at Hunter College of the City University of New York.
Janaina Saad is Research Associate at the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies.


1 Introduction, Mauricio Font
2 The Brazilian State since Vargas, João Paulo M. Peixoto
3 State Developmentalism: Continuity and Uncertainty,
Renato Boschi
4 New Directions in Public Policy and State-Society Relations,
Glauco Arbix and Scott B. Martin
5 Crisis and Beyond: Responses and Prospects, Eiiti Sato
6 Bureaucrats, Parties and Interest Groups; Maria Rita Loureiro,
Cecilia Olivieri, and Ana Cristina Braga Martes
7 Political Reform: A “Never-Ending Story,” David Fleischer
8 Civil Society Discourses and Practices in Porto Alegre,
J. Ricardo Tranjan
9 Pension Reform in Brazil: Addressing a Social Pact,
José Roberto Savoia
10 Feminism, the State, and Gender Equality, Lia Zanotta Machado
11 The Institution of Patrimony and Nation-State Consolidation,
John F. Collins
12 The Financial Services Industry, Fernando Sotelino
13 Regulation and Compliance: Anti-Money Laundering,
Monica Arruda de Almeida
14 Financialization, Crisis, and a ‘New’ Mania in Brazil,
Elaine da Silveira Leite
15 Brazil and the Transatlantic Community, Thomas J. Trebat
16 Regional Integration: Political Uses of Energy Policy,
Christine Gustafson and Leslie Elliott Armijo
17 Appendix: Economic and Social Indicators, Laura Randall

Disponível: http://www.amazon.com/Brazilian-State-Bildner-Western-Hemisphere/dp/0739167316/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318020592&sr=1-1

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