segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Tiranos: já para a ilha Santa Helena, ou S.Pedro e S.Paulo, ou Falklands...

Enfim, a mais remota, a mais perdida, a mais isolada. Nada de Hawai, ou essas ilhas do Caribe, ainda que tiranos e corruptos possam se dar bem.
Estou de acordo com a proposta do Guardian...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Unthinkable? Banishing tyrants to exile
The Guardian, Saturday 9 April 2011

A formal system of exile to lure tyrannical has-beens away from their nations is needed

Wanted: a small island, cut off from the world, prepared to revive the ancient practice of banishment. St Helena would do, still funded by the British, unreachable except by sea and accustomed to housing military-minded former national leaders with delusions about their stature. What worked for Napoleon in 1815 is necessary once again: the world is awash with prime ministers, presidents and dictatorial colonels-for-life who are refusing to quit because they have nowhere to run. The likes of Laurent Gbagbo, Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-il and Colonel Gaddafi are clinging on to their wrecked national economies and bombed-out palaces, destroying their countries and confounding international diplomats as they do so. What is needed is a formal system of exile to lure tyrannical has-beens away from their nations to everyone's benefit. The process would, it must be admitted, limit the opportunity of trying them for war crimes, but for the exiles that would have to be part of the deal. In time this island of the dammed would no doubt become crowded, and perhaps some of its inmates tamed, as happened to Napoleon when he turned to gardening in the stony St Helena soil – so much healthier than invading his neighbours. Squabbles could be expected and some residents might hope for the possibility of returning to power, as Napoleon did from Elba. But it's a long swim in any direction from St Helena; a shelter for the corrupt and the cruel that would formalise the removal of tyrants

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