sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

"A saude no Brasil atinge a perfeicao", ou uma variacao disso...

Nao tenho certeza da frase acima, citada de memoria, talvez tenha sido algo como: "A saúde no Brasil é quase perfeita".
Whatever! Nosso equivocado frasista não tinha o menor compromisso com a verdade, e desejava apenas engrandecer seu desgoverno e as fraudes continuamente praticadas contra os brasileiros pela inepcia dos companheiros encastelados no poder.
Abaixo, um resumo de uma matéria maior da revista The Lancet sobre a saúde no Brasil:

Health in Brazil
Launched in Brasília May 9, 2011

Brazil has made significant improvements in maternal and child health, emergency care, and in reducing the burden of infectious diseases. But the news is not all good. The country continues to have a burden of injury mortality that is different from other countries due to the large number of murders, especially using firearms. Obesity levels are increasing and caesarean section rates are the highest in the world.

Brazil now has the opportunity to move closer towards its ultimate goal of universal, equitable, and sustainable health care as enshrined in the 1988 Constitution. To highlight this opportunity, The Lancet is publishing a Series of six papers that critically examine what the country’s policies have achieved and where future challenges lie. As Cesar Victora and colleagues conclude in the final paper of the Series: "the challenge is ultimately political, requiring continuous engagement by Brazilian society as a whole to secure the right to health for all Brazilian people."

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