sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

The West and the Rise of the Rest - debate at Chatham House

Vale assistir:

The West and the Rest: the Changing Global Balance of Power in Historical Perspective
Site Chatham House, Monday 9 May 2011 13:30 to 14:30
Chatham House, London

Niall Ferguson, Laurence A Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University and William Ziegler Professor, Harvard Business School
Chair: Professor Michael Cox, Department of International Relations, The London School of Economics and Political Science

With China projected to overtake the United States in terms of economic output within the next ten years, many commentators are speaking of a new 'Asian century' and the 'decline of the West' long ago predicted by Oswald Spengler and others. The speaker will draw on his work on the last 600 years of world history to offer an insight into the changing global balance in terms not only of economics, but also of geopolitics and 'soft power'.

Event Video:

Meeting Transcript (Click to download)
Meeting Recording (Click to download) Click on the play icon to start playing the audio. Hover over the centre of the circle and click again to pause.28.05 MB - Length: 30:39
Q&A Recording (Click to download) Click on the play icon to start playing the audio. Hover over the centre of the circle and click again to pause.26.94 MB - Length: 29:26

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