quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Discutindo as ameaças nucleares: Hudson Institute (Washington)

Nuclear Security Summits: Impact and Assessment
Tuesday, September 13
9:30 - 11:30 AM

The explosion of one crude nuclear device in one city would change our world forever.
Since the end of the Cold War, a serious effort has been under way to fully secure the world's nuclear material. But 20 years later, that has yet to be achieved and the new threat of nuclear terrorism has emerged.
Panelists will discuss the impact of Nuclear Security Summits and developments in nuclear security since the 2010 summit in Washington, DC, with a look ahead to desired outcomes from the next Nuclear Security Summit in South Korea in 2012.

Panelists include:

Laura Holgate
Senior Director, WMD Terrorism & Threat Reduction at the National Security Council

Christopher A. Ford
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Technology and Global Security, Hudson Institute
Former United States Special Representative for Nuclear Nonproliferation

Kenneth Luongo
Co-Chair, Fissile Materials Working Group
President, Partnership for Global Security

Co-Chaired by
Richard Weitz
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute

Co-Chaired and moderated by
Jennifer Smyser
Program Officer, Policy and Outreach, Stanley Foundation

This event will be streamed live on Hudson's website: www.hudson.org/WatchLive.
The video and audio recordings of the event will be posted on the site a few days later.
 Hudson Institute is a nonpartisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom. Partnership for a Secure America (PSA) is dedicated to advancing bipartisan action on U.S. foreign policy and national security challenges. The Stanley Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, private operating foundation with programming focused on promoting and building support for principled multilateralism in addressing international issues.

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