domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

The Future of Money - Foreign Policy

Welcome to Deep Dive, a unique monthly policy conversation about the world’s most pressing issues. Each month, we tackle a new subject from the top of the Washington agenda, featuring key players from Capitol Hill and the executive branch, as well as other global decision-makers, as we go deep on the issues shaping Washington's intersection with the world. In this special edition, we take on the future of money, the complex and long-fought currency wars that threaten to reshape the global economy in unprecedented and unpredictable ways -- starting with a definitive briefing on Beijing’s political calculations by Brookings scholar Arthur Kroeber and key insights from the World Bank’s Mansoor Dailami, noted eurosceptic David Marsh, and China economy expert Michael Pettis, among others. The debate couldn’t be more timely, with a European monetary union in crisis, gold prices going through the roof, and politicians in Washington vowing to up the pressure on China’s undervalued currency.
  • By David Marsh
    The Icarus Zone
    By David Marsh
  • By Phil Levy
    The Multilateral Vacuum
    By Phil Levy
  • The Buck Stays Here
    The Buck Stays Here
    By Daniel W. Drezner
  • Flags on a video wall
    The WikiLeaks of Money
    By Joshua E. Keating
  • The Euro and the Scalpel
    The Euro and the Scalpel
    By Ed Hugh
  • Dreaming of SDRs
    Dreaming of SDRs
    By David Bosco

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