quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

India-Brazil: same fight, same goals in Defence policy?


06/02/2012 India, Brazil discuss defence cooperation - PTI
Text of report by Indian news agency PTI
New Delhi, 6 February: India and Brazil on Monday [6 February] held discussions to enhance their bilateral cooperation in areas of defence and regional security.
"Defence Minister A K Antony held talks with his Brazilian counterpart Celso Amorim and had candid discussions on bilateral defence cooperation and regional security issues," the Ministry said in a release.
Amorim is on a five-day visit to India which started on February 4. After taking over as Defence Minister in his country recently, this is Amorim's first foreign visit.
The visiting Minister emphasised that due to the high importance accorded to New Delhi by his country, he chose to visit India first, officials said.
In the 40-minute meeting between the two Ministers, senior Brazilian officials along with its Air Force chief and Indian officials also took part.
The Brazilian Defence Minister will visit HAL in Bangalore on Tuesday. India has bought six Embraer aircraft from Brazil to develop its indigenous Airborne Early Warning and Control System aircraft.
Top Ministers and bureaucrats also use the Brazilian-origin Embraer aircraft for visits within the country and the neighbouring nations.
Source: PTI news agency, New Delhi, in English 1521gmt 06 Feb 12

Um comentário:

  1. Leandro Pereira09/02/2012, 13:15

    Pequenos fatos que comprovam a opinião do autor deste blog a respeito das universidades brasileiras:

    Porque as Universidades Brasileiras no panorama mundial são comparáveis a NADA? Segue:

    Middlebury College (USA)
    Localização Middlebury , Vermont
    Estudantes 2.482
    Orçamento: $ 908 milhões ou R$ 2 bilhões.
    2 bilhões de reais para 2482 alunos.

    Total de estudantes 88 261
    Orçamento: 3 bilhões (reais) para 88261 alunos!
    Preciso explicar mais alguma coisa?

    Em tempo: HARVARD (orçamento) para 30.000 estudantes: R$50 bilhões. Repito: R$50 bilhões.

    USP, a faculdade das elites... faz-me rir.


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