segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012

Ditadores: grudai no poder (e nao largai, mas alguem pode derrubar...)

A revista Economist é sempre muito precisa quanto aos números, mas de uma metodologia toda inglesa. A Venezuela, por exemplo, trocou muito até 1999; se dependesse do Chávez, agora, ele ficaria até 2030. Não é por vontade própria que ele ficará menos...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 
Daily chart

Staying power

Mar 5th 2012, 17:12 by The Economist online
How long leaders stay in office in different countries
OMAN’s name is thought to derive from a word meaning “a man residing permanently in the homeland"—but "presiding” might be more apt. Since 1945, the starting point for our analysis, the sultanate has only had two rulers, making it the country with the lowest turnover of leaders in the world. Countries in the Middle East tend to hold on to their leaders longer than anywhere else (a little over eight years on average). Africa comes next at more than seven years. Latin America, cursed for decades by coups, has in a more democratic era maintained its tendency to swap rulers every four years or so. Europeans tire of their leaders quicker than any other region, in part due to a general predominance of prime ministers over presidents, but also to power-sharing arrangements in countries like Switzerland. Our methodology, however, looks at individuals rather than terms, so does not fully account for the variations of revolving-door presidencies like that of Russia under Vladimir Putin.

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