segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

Israel: um gigante tecnologico - debate no Hudson Institute, de Washington

Hudson Institute is pleased to invite you to a discussion on...
Economic Lessons from Israel: Jumpstarting Trade and Investment

Wednesday, March 21
12:00 - 2:00 PM
As governments worldwide are seeking ways to create jobs, promote exports, and expand their economies, there are important lessons to be learned from the history and current practice of U.S.-Israeli trade and investment in technology. The field has produced an astounding amount of innovation, new technology, and success for a long list of U.S. and Israeli companies.
Although the United States has been a top innovator for decades, one recent study estimates that its rate of progress in becoming a new, knowledge-based innovation economy is slower than all the other thirty nine countries/regions that were evaluated. A troubling sign is that patents issued to American applicants have dropped recently while those issued to foreign applicants continue to increase.
In contrast, Israel has been accelerating its progress as an innovation-based economy over the last fifteen years. Israel has attracted more than twice as much venture capital investment per person than the United States and thirty times more than Europe—a remarkable feat considering it is a 63-year-old country of only 7.5 million, surrounded by hostile neighbors and with few natural resources. As an innovation hub, Israel has become a premiere destination for American companies. Over a hundred U.S. firms have opened R&D operations in Israel and many more have acquired companies in a variety of industrial sectors, serving as a key catalyst for Israel's own innovation boom.
The U.S.-Israeli commercial relationship is a growth engine for the economies of both countries—creating jobs and enabling companies to innovate, build, and create new products that transform industries and society.
Please join Hudson Institute, in cooperation with the Legacy Heritage Fund, for  a discussion on March 21 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.
  • Greg Slater, Director, Global Trade and Competition Policy, Intel Corporation
  • Eitan Yudilevich, President, BIRD Foundation
  • Victor Mizrahi, Principal of Mizrahi Enterprises; former President of Semrock, Inc. and former Chief Scientist of Ciena Corporation 
  • Joshua Kram, Head, U.S.-Israeli Business Initiative, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Douglas Feith (moderator), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

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