segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

Comercio do Brasil: expandindo fronteiras

Não é verdade que o Brasil, ou o Mercosul, são incapazes de fazer acordos comerciais significativos.
Agora mesmo tivemos um exemplo do dinamismo do comércio internacional do Brasil, conforme matéria abaixo:

May 22, 2012
St. Kitts and Nevis – Brazil Sign Trade Agreement
St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has declared the twin-island Federation “now the only Caribbean country with almost zero-tariff access to the Brazilian market.”
The Prime Minister made this observation during the signing ceremony of the Partial Scope Agreement between St Kitts & Nevis and Brazil on Friday 11 May 2012 in Basseterre, ST Kitts & Nevis.
He added that “Manufacturers currently based in St. Kitts and Nevis, therefore, or those who move here will now, by definition, have an advantage vis-à-vis their competitors where access to the Brazilian market is concerned. This enhanced attractiveness of St.  Kitts and Nevis as a manufacturing base will, in turn, mean additional employment, additional entrepreneurial opportunities, and increased revenue inflows for our Federation,”
Under the Partial Scope Agreement, St Kitts and Nevis will benefit through preferential access to the Brazilian market for its electronics products manufactured by the enclave sector which is located in Basseterre and Sandy Point. Similar access is being requested for beverages, specific agricultural and other light manufactured products.
from left to right - Hon. Minister of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs - Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris; next to him is the Permanent Secretary of that Ministry - Mr. Charleton Edwards. Next to Mr. Edwards is Brazil’s Special Envoy, His Excellency Ruy Pereira; next to him is the CFTC Technical Expert -Andrew Satney, Trade Policy Adviser to the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis © Erasmus Williams
Photo: from left to right - Hon. Minister of International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs - Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris; next to him is the Permanent Secretary of that Ministry - Mr. Charleton Edwards. Next to Mr. Edwards is Brazil’s Special Envoy, His Excellency Ruy Pereira; next to him is the CFTC Technical Expert -Andrew Satney, Trade Policy Adviser to the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis © Erasmus Williams
The Commonwealth Secretariat under the auspices of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC) is providing technical assistance in the form of  long term Trade  Technical Adviser, Mr. Andrew Satney, who is embedded in the Ministry of International Trade Industry and Consumer Affairs, St Kitts & Nevis. Over the past two years he has provided technical support towards the accession process. Mr. Satney will continue to provide technical support through ratification and implementation process for another year.
At the signing ceremony, addresses were also delivered by St. Kitts and Nevis’ Minister of International Trade, Senior Minister, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris, Brazil’s Resident Ambassador, His Excellency Miguel Magalhaes and Ambassador Pereira. Several government officials and private sector representatives were also in attendance.

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