quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

Quantos meses (ou anos) de "asilo" em embaixada...

O Equador, talvez "mal acostumado" com a prática de asilo diplomático em países tão instáveis e conturbados quanto os latino-americanos, acredita que o Reino Unido tem a obrigação de dar um salvo conduto a um extraditando, qualquer que seja este.
Vamos ver quantos meses, talvez anos, o extraditando vai passar na londrinense embaixada. Pelo menos comer bem, se supõe que ele passe a comer...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Foreign Secretary statement on Ecuadorian Government’s decision to offer political asylum to Julian Assange
16 August 2012 

“Under our law, with Mr Assange having exhausted all options of appeal, the British authorities are under a binding obligation to extradite him to Sweden. We must carry out that obligation and of course we fully intend to do so. The Ecuadorian Government's decision this afternoon does not change that in any way. Nor does it change the current circumstances in any way. We remain committed to a diplomatic solution that allows us to carry out our obligations as a nation under the Extradition Act.
"...We will not allow Mr Assange safe passage out of the UK, nor is there any legal basis for us to do so. The UK does not accept the principle of diplomatic asylum. It is far from a universally accepted concept: the United Kingdom is not a party to any legal instruments which require us to recognise the grant of diplomatic asylum by a foreign embassy in this country. Moreover, it is well established that, even for those countries which do recognise diplomatic asylum, it should not be used for the purposes of escaping the regular processes of the courts. And in this case that is clearly what is happening."

Um comentário:

  1. The Guardian
    "Julian Assange: from Stockholm to Knightsbridge - and then Ecuador?"

    Rajeev Syal and Lizzy Davies
    guardian.co.uk, Thursday 16 August 2012 19.48 BST




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