terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

Fellowships, Oxford-Princeton, UK-USA

Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowships:
Call for Applications

Applications are now open for for a number of two-year fellowships to work on global governance and the role of developing and emerging countries in the world political economy. Fellowships are open to nationals of non-OECD countries and up to to six such fellowships will be awarded to start in September 2013. Fellows will spend a year in Oxford, where they are based at the Global Economic Governance Programme, University College, followed by a year at Princeton, where they are based at Niehaus Centre for Globalization and Governance, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. The fellowship programme is directed by Professor Ngaire Woods and Professor Robert Keohane.

Further details can be found at: http://glf.univ.ox.ac.uk (look on the 'events' page)

The closing date for applications is: 19th November 2012.

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