segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

RBPI - Brazilian Journal of International Politics (fica bem em ingles)

Apesar de que a revista ainda seja majoritariamente em Português, ela vai começar a publicar artigos preferencialmente em inglês.

 Volume 55 number 2 (2/2012) of Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional – RBPI (Brazilian Journal of International Politics)

This edition and also RBPI’s signatures can be purchased directly from IBRI’s store or freely accessed in Scielo


* The year that hasn't ended on international relations: 1962 on RBPI, by Antônio Carlos Lessa & Paulo Roberto de Almeida;

* The global economic Governance and the challenges of the G-20 after the financial crisis: an analysis of the positions of the United States, China, Germany and Brazil, by Leonardo Ramos, Javier Vadell, Ana Saggioro & Márcia Fernandes;
* Trends in South American weapons purchases at the beginning of the new millennium, by Rafael Duarte Villa & Juliana Viggiano;
* Developing countries in a changing international order: coalitions and dispute settlement at the WTO, by Haroldo Ramanzini Junior & Manuela Trindade Viana;
* Jackal or Lamb? Brazil in face of the challenges and opportunities of the International System, by Júlio César Cossio Rodriguez;
* The Strategies of "Quodlíbet" in the international contemporary scene: the actions of India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) in the multilateral spheres, by Clarisa Giaccaglia;
* Mapping the Obama administration’s response to the Arab Spring, by Maria do Céu de Pinho Ferreira Pinto;
* The coexistence of peace and conflict in South America: toward a new conceptualization of types of peace, by Jorge Mario Battaglino;
* The European ombudsman and the democratization of the EU institutions, by Janaína Rigo Santin;
* Baron of Rio Branco in Itamaraty (1902-1912), by Clodoaldo Bueno.

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