sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013

Brazilian Foreign Policy - um capitulo de livro - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Um trabalho antigo, de 2008, mas que talvez possa servir para alimentar o debate.

Lula’s Foreign Policy: Regional and Global Strategies

CHAPTER NINE of Brazil under Lula: Economy, Politics, and Society under the 
Worker-President. Edited by Joseph L. Love and Werner Baer
(New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009; ISBN: 970-0-230-60816-0; p. 167-183).

This essay presents the chief diplomatic initiatives of the Lula government since 2003, against an analytical background of the potentials – and limitations – of Brazil  as a regional and global actor. Brazil is an important player at both levels, obviously possessing greater powers of “intervention” in South America. But Brazil also shows some degree of leadership in a few multilateral issues (such as trade negotiations), and is also acquiring growing leverage in special topics of global impact (such as renewable energy sources). Lately, the country has been seen as an important player in the evolution of the world economy, as one of the so-called BRIC countries, together with Russia, India, and China.

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