terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

EUA mores: americanos adoram puxar um fuminho...

Brookings Institution

Dear Colleague,

Last November, Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize marijuana.  But based on new public opinion research—legalization now has the support of about half the country—it’s reasonable to assume they may not be the last.  Is a new national consensus emerging, or a new stage of the culture war? What are the implications, especially in light of the fact that legalization remains contrary to federal law?

Tomorrow, May 29, at 2 PM EDT, Governance Studies at Brookings and the Washington Office on Latin America will host a public forum on changing attitudes towards marijuana legalization.  The event will be live webcast and we invite you join us for the discussion.

You can register for a webcast reminder at:

In a conversation moderated by Jonathan Rauch, Brookings Senior Fellows William Galston and E.J. Dionne will present findings of a detailed study of evidence from opinion surveys, some of it newly available. Anna Greenberg and Sean Trende, two experts on politics and public opinion, will also bring their expertise to the discussion.

You can also follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #MJLegalization. We hope you can join us.

Darrell West
Vice President and Director, Governance Studies at Brookings

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