sábado, 18 de maio de 2013

The China Factor in Latin America - CUNY, May 22, 2013

Asia and Latin America

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The China Factor in Latin America Adrian Hearn
Sociology and Social Policy,
University of Sydney
Daniel P. Erikson
Senior Advisor for Western Hemisphere Affairs,
U.S. Department of State
Mauricio Font
Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 5:00 PM
Location: The Graduate Center, Room 9204/05
                       365 Fifth Avenue (@ 34th Street)
The China Factor in Latin America
Adrian Hearn's presentation focuses on China’s growing economic role in the Americas and its challenge to many countries in this region to develop new approaches to trade, investment, and development that favor economic sustainability, environmental responsibility, and political trust. Driven by Chinese demand, commodities now account for 60% of exports from Argentina, 47% from Brazil, and 75% from Chile. Around 90% of Latin America’s exports to China consist of mining and agriculture, but managing the resulting structural transformations is only one of the challenges. Equally important are strategies for negotiating with Chinese state owned enterprises, integrating growing Chinese communities into national social and economic systems, and promoting education about Chinese politics and culture. The presentation examines these challenges and draws parallels with Australia, where 59% of exports are commodities and China is the number one trade partner. As in Argentina and Brazil, concern about Chinese land acquisitions has prompted Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board to reconsider its “national interest test” to ensure local economic benefit, environmental sustainability, and adequate employment standards. Australia and Latin America harbor a shared need to manage their changing circumstances, both in dialogue with each other and with Chinese partners.
About the speakers
Adrian Hearn is professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. His research examines the geopolitical implications of China’s deepening diplomatic and economic relations with Latin America, and by comparison with Australia.He is co-editor of China Engages Latin America: Tracing the Trajectory, Boulder (2011). His most recent publications include “China, Global Governance and the Future of Cuba” (2012) in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs; "Harnessing the Dragon: Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs in Mexico and Cuba" (2012) in The China Quarterly); and "Cuba and China: In Mixed Enterprise we Trust" (2012) in Hemisphere. Dr. Hearn current work adopts an ethnographic approach to explore cultural convergences/divergences, economic development, and approaches to transparency and technology transfer from the ground up.
Daniel P. Erikson is senior advisor for policy in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. Department of State since 2010. He advises the assistant secretary on issues related to policy and strategy, economic engagement, and multilateral affairs. Erikson previously served as senior associate for U.S. policy and director of Caribbean programs at the Inter-American Dialogue. Erikson has published more than sixty articles, numerous book chapters, and is the author of The Cuba Wars: Fidel Castro, the United States, and the Next Revolution, which won ForeWord Magazine's 2008 Book of the Year Award for political science. Erikson has taught Latin American politics at Johns Hopkins' School of Advanced International Studies and his past positions include research associate at Harvard Business School and Fulbright-Garcia Robles fellow in U.S.-Mexican business relations.
Mauricio Font is director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and professor of sociology at The Graduate Center and Queens College, City University of New York. His research examines problems of development and reform in Brazil, Cuba and Latin America as well as international cooperation in the Western Hemisphere.
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