segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013

Ser um escritor significa ser antes de tudo um leitor - Nancy Hendrickson

Today's Writing Inspiration
By Nancy Hendrickson

Novelist John O'Hara wrote:

"Becoming the reader is the essence of becoming a writer."

Whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, memoir, how-to or poetry, try to see the finished product through the eyes of your reader. If you can't remove yourself far enough to be objective, read other works written in your genre. This will inspire you, give you new ideas, and get you back on your journey.  

You can't be a writer without being a reader.  So how about taking a few hours today and read? 

What I'm reading now:

  • The Story Template
  • Timbuctoo
  • Kingdom
  • Blind Faith
  • The Fire in Fiction
  • Sign Talker
  • Rock Your Plot
How about you???
Today's Writing Inspiration
Nancy Hendrickson

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