domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Alvaro Mutis: um viajante das palavras e dos livros, 1923-2013; toda a eternidade para ler...

Álvaro Mutis, Novelist Who Created a Rambling, Ruminative Soul, Dies at 90

William Yardley
The New York Times Review of Books, September 28, 2013

Álvaro Mutis, a Colombian poet and novelist who created one of Latin American literature’s more memorable characters, the rambling and ruminative Maqroll, an inadvertent explorer of jungles and his own jaded soul for whom life seemed a long and futile boat ride, mostly upriver, often running aground, died on Sept. 22 in Mexico City. He was 90.
Denis Doyle/Associated Press
The novelist Álvaro Mutis, right, with King Juan Carlos of Spain in 2002, when he was awarded the Cervantes Prize.
The cause was cardiorespiratory problems, his wife, Carmen Miracle, told news agencies in Mexico.
Mr. Mutis was 19 when, in verse, he first introduced Maqroll to readers as the “Gaviero,” the Lookout, a label linked to his early life as a seaman whose duties included scanning the horizon for potential peril, even if he did not always recognize it.
More than 40 years later — after Mr. Mutis had become a widely admired poet, spent more than a year in prison on embezzlement charges that were later dropped, moved to Mexico and was a well-traveled representative for Standard Oil and two Hollywood studios — he transferred his protagonist to prose. Beginning in the late 1980s, Maqroll appeared in a popular series of seven novellas that were eventually published as a single volume in 1997.
The collection appeared in English in 2002 as “The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll.”
In a 2003 review of the collection for The New Yorker, John Updike wrote that Maqroll’s journey in the first novella, “The Snow of the Admiral,” in which he hopes to reunite with a former lover, is “rendered so vividly as to furnish a metaphor for life as a colorful voyage to nowhere.”
Mr. Mutis was well known and well read in Latin America and Europe but received far less attention in the United States than his fellow Colombian writer and confidant, Gabriel García Márquez. They became friends in their youth and stayed close after both moved to Mexico City, reading each other’s work before it was published and sometimes sharing the same translator for their English editions, Edith Grossman.
“One of the greatest writers of our time,” Mr. García Márquez called his friend. Mr. Mutis received numerous awards, including the Cervantes Prize, the most prestigious literary award in the Spanish-speaking world, and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature. But Maqroll rarely got much recognition. He was a bundle of conflicts and foolish schemes, his life filled with close calls. Alternately optimistic, realistic and fatalistic, he kept going, compelled even as he lost lovers, friends, money and hope.
“I’m really intrigued: these disasters, these decisions that are wrong from the start, these dead ends that constitute the story of my life, are repeated over and over again,” he says as the narrator in “The Snow of the Admiral.” “A passionate vocation for happiness, always betrayed and misdirected, ends in a need for total defeat; it is completely foreign to what, in my heart of hearts, I’ve always known could be mine if it weren’t for this constant desire to fail.”
He continues: “We’re about to re-enter the green tunnel of the menacing, watchful jungle. The stink of wretchedness, of a miserable, indifferent grave, is already in my nostrils.”
Yet Maqroll’s destiny was not death but the journey toward it. The Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas threatened to sue Mr. Mutis if he ever killed off his beloved character. Mr. Mutis spoke of Maqroll as if he were a living person.
“He often accompanies me, but we are no longer side by side but face to face,” he said in an interview with the writer Francisco Goldman, who wrote the introduction to the 2002 collection. “So Maqroll doesn’t surprise me too much, but he does torment me and keep me company. He is more and more himself, and less my creation, because of course, as I write novels, I load him up with experiences and actions and places that I don’t know but that he of course does.”
Álvaro Mutis Jaramillo was born on Aug. 25, 1923, in Bogotá. His father, Santiago, was a Colombian diplomat, and Mr. Mutis spent much of his early childhood in Brussels. In the summer, his family returned to Colombia by boat, and he later said his writing was rooted in his long stays at the sugar and coffee plantation his grandfather owned in Tolima Province. He never graduated from high school, but he read voraciously and widely, from Jules Verne to Marcel Proust.
Maqroll read, too, bouncing between biographies of dukes and saints. “In each novella, internal life is represented by the book he happens to be reading,” Leonard Michaels wrote in a review of three novellas in The New York Times in 1992. “One night, after a grueling effort to carry guns up the side of a mountain, Maqroll must sleep. But first he must read.”
Mr. Mutis published books of poetry in 1948 and 1953 (his early verse was praised in reviews by Octavio Paz), and he also wrote short stories and nonfiction. But he did not write full time until he began writing novels in his 60s. In the decades between, he worked in jobs whose only link to his literary interests were the experiences they provided — traveling to Latin American capitals, venturing into jungles to search for oil, riding with river captains through rain forests.
“My life became a long trip and I met thousands of people, in all different kinds of situations,” Mr. Mutis told Mr. Goldman. “And this was like a continuation of what I had experienced as a child. In this way I lost the sense of belonging to a particular country.”
Many people in Latin America also knew him for his dubbing of English-language television programs into Spanish, most notably for “The Untouchables.” Information on his survivors was not immediately available.
While he was at Standard Oil, he was accused in 1956 of spending company money on friends, including those who opposed the Colombian dictator at the time, Gustavo Rosas Pinilla. Warned by a friend that his arrest was imminent, Mr. Mutis fled to Mexico. He avoided immediate extradition back to Colombia but was jailed for 15 months while awaiting trial. When the Rojas Pinilla government fell in 1957, Mr. Mutis was freed. He later said the experience was more influential than any great book.
“There is one thing that I learned in prison, that I passed on to Maqroll,” he said, “and that is that you don’t judge others, you don’t say, ‘That guy committed a terrible crime against his family, so I can’t be his friend.’ In a place like that, one coexists because the judging is done on the outside.”


Álvaro Mutis, creador del Maqroll y amigo íntimo de García Márquez

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Muerte de Álvaro Mutis
Los escritores colombianos, Alvaro Mutis (izq) y el premio Nobel Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Mutis jamás se consideró a sí mismo "un escritor profesional".

El escritor colombiano Álvaro Mutis, fallecido este domingo en México a los 90 años, se consagró como uno de los mejores poetas y narradores de su generación y como un excepcional exponente del "realismo mágico". (Lea también: Murió el escritor colombiano Álvaro Mutis)
Hijo de diplomático y nacido en Bogotá en 1923, Álvaro Mutis creó una extensa obra poética caracterizada por la exuberancia, la torrencialidad, la vegetación sensual y feraz, según los críticos.
Su labor literaria comenzó con la publicación de poemas y crítica literaria en el suplemento del diario El Espectador de la capital colombiana principalmente, como su colega Gabriel García Márquez. (Lea también: En las redes sociales le dicen adiós a Mutis / Reacciones)
En 1947 publicó su primer poemario, ‘La balanza’, en colaboración con Carlos Patiño y a partir de entonces empezó a publicar una obra limpia, que en su mayor parte se gestó lejos de su natal Colombia. (Lea también: Respuesta de Álvaro Mutis al homenaje que quisieron hacerle a la HJCK)
Alguna vez dijo que era escritor "por necesidad, para sobrevivir día a día el terrible mundo que habitamos", fruto de las "caídas y debilidades del hombre que tan bien retrató Cervantes en 'El Quijote'". (Vea un paso de EL TIEMPO del escritor)
Mutis jamás se consideró a sí mismo "un escritor profesional" y sostenía que sus libros no nacían de coyunturas particulares, sino que se nutrían de un particular modo de entender la literatura.
"Yo dejo que los temas vayan trabajando en mi cabeza y en mi memoria, y llega un momento en que empiezo a escribir, pero no tengo planes ni obras ya planificadas completas", aseguró. (Lea también: ¿Cuál es la importancia de Mutis para la literatura?)
Aunque su obra es esencialmente poética y él se considera más poeta que otra cosa, a partir de 1986, año en que lanzó su primera novela, ‘La nieve del Almirante’, su aportación fundamental fue narrativa.
Entre sus libros sobresale el enigmático personaje de Maqroll, El Gaviero, su "alter ego", un marinero protagonista de la narrativa y la poesía de Mutis que apareció en el poemario ‘Los elementos del desastre’ (1953).
Del personaje llegó a confesar que "vino lentamente" a su vida y no sabe cuál puede ser su final: "Yo tengo la impresión que Maqroll nació en la costa belga y es muy posible que haya sido así, pero él nunca me ha dicho (risas). Se lo guarda por algún motivo", afirmó hace varios años. (Vea la infografía: Vida y obra de Álvaro Mutis)
La vida de Mutis en Colombia dio un giro en 1956, durante la dictadura del general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953-1957), cuando fue acusado de malversación de fondos en la petrolera Esso, donde era jefe de relaciones públicas, y se vio obligado a exiliarse en México, donde fijó su residencia.
A partir de entonces escribiría ‘El diario de Lecumberri’ (1960), un relato sobre los quince meses en que estuvo encarcelado a la espera de su posible extradición a Colombia por los delitos que se le imputaban y que a la postre nunca se consumó, ‘Summa de Maqroll el Gaviero’ y relatos ‘La mansión de Araucaíma’ (ambos en 1973), así como ‘Ilona llega con la lluvia’ (1988). Otros destacados libros suyos son ‘Un bel morir’ (1989), ‘La última escala del Tramp Steamer’ (1990), ‘La muerte del estratega’ (1990), ‘Amirbar’ (1990), ‘Abdul Bashur, soñador de navíos’ (1991), y ‘Empresas y tribulaciones de Maqroll el Gaviero’ (1997). (Lea también: Colombia entera lamenta la muerte del poeta: Santos)
En 2002 leyó sus poemas en la madrileña Residencia de Estudiantes (audiolibro ‘La voz de Álvaro Mutis’) e hizo un encendido ‘Elogio de la lectura’ en una intervención que comenzaba así: ‘Leer un libro es volver a nacer’.
En tierras mexicanas frecuentó a escritores y artistas como Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Luis Buñuel y Fernando Botero, entre otros. En 2004 García Márquez confesó que tres décadas atrás había llegado a México "por una semana" para ver a su amigo Álvaro Mutis y a consecuencia de aquel viaje se quedó toda una vida en este país, donde escribió ‘Cien años de soledad’ (1967), su obra maestra.
De su relación con Gabo, Mutis dijo en la XXI Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL) de 2007 que era una amistad sincera y entrañable: "Ha sido muy armónica, llena de afecto, de lealtad. Nunca hemos tenido la menor discusión sobre nada. Siempre hemos estado unidos en todo. Lo siento como algo fraterno", reveló.
En 1988 se le concedió en México el título de Comendador de la Orden del Águila Azteca, al año siguiente fue nombrado Caballero de las Artes y las Letras de Francia, en 1993 recibió la Gran Cruz Boyacá de Colombia, y en 1996 la Gran Cruz española de Alfonso X El Sabio.
También fue galardonado con el Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras y el Reina Sofía de Poesía (ambos en 1997), el Cervantes de Literatura (2001), el Premio Médicis a la mejor novela extranjera en Francia ('La nieve del almirante', 1988) y el Grinzane-Cavour de Italia (1997).

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