quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013

Diplomatas e a escravidao moderna: ainda o caso da India vs EUA -editorial NYT

Eu já tinha postado aqui uma matéria informativa do mesmo jornal sobre este caso de escravidão contemporânea, um típico exemplo do padrão Casa Grande e Senzala muito comum na Índia e ainda vigente em certas partes do Brasil, onde o elitismo e o racismo ainda perduram (e não é no Sul Maravilha).
Agora temos esse editorial do NYTimes para nos relembrar de que não se trata de um ataque à soberania da Índia -- como aliás tentaram fazer alguns calhordas, no passado, ao explorar politicamente um outro caso vinculado ao Brasil, querendo fazer acreditar que a soberania do país residia nos sapatos de um seu representante -- e sim de simples cumprimento à lei.
Mais até do que um caso de soberania, se trata apenas de uma questão de dignidade humana, e até de simples civilidade regular.
O regime de castas na Índia sempre foi uma forma de escravidão e de opressão social. Misturar isso com a soberania do país é um outro exemplo de calhordice, de que são capazes certas pessoas que não tem grandes princípios de direitos humanos, apenas se enrolam na bandeira da pátria, como os canalhas do conhecido refrão sobre o cinismo político.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 


India’s Misplaced Outrage

Instead of concerning themselves with that injustice, many in India seem incensed that Ms. Khobragade was arrested at all.India’s overwrought reaction to the arrest of one of its diplomats in the United States is unworthy of a democratic government. Officials in New Delhi have inflamed anti-American outrage instead of calling for justice, especially for the domestic worker who is at the heart of the case.
The charges brought against Devyani Khobragade, the deputy consul general in New York, by Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, should concern anyone who values worker rights. Ms. Khobragade was arrested last week and accused of submitting false documents to obtain a work visa for her housekeeper and paying her far less than the minimum legal wage. Prosecutors say the diplomat promised American authorities she would pay $4,500 a month but actually paid just $573 a month and made the housekeeper work far more than 40 hours a week.
It is not unusual in India for domestic employees to be paid poorly and required to work more than 60 hours a week. But such practices are not allowed under American law, and abuses by anyone should not be tolerated, regardless of their status. It was puzzling that Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement on Wednesday expressing regret for the incident. All diplomats, including Ms. Khobragade, presumably are made aware of their legal obligations and American procedures before accepting an assignment in the United States.
Even more disturbing is the fact that Indian officials would take extreme steps to retaliate for the arrest — they removed security barriers surrounding the American Embassy compound. Despite the way many Indians seem to view the case, it is not a challenge to India’s honor. It is a charge against one diplomat accused of submitting false documents to evade the law. Ms. Khobragade’s lawyer said she would plead not guilty and challenge the arrest on the grounds of diplomatic immunity, which prosecutors say does not apply in this case. In any event, she will have a full opportunity to defend herself against the charges.

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