quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

Para quando o Lulaleaks? Na Ucrania ja fizeram o deles...

Ukrainian Journalists Launch YanukovychLeaks

Security-camera footage broadcast on Ukrainian television on Saturday, said to show the entourage of the country’s deposed president fleeing his residence.
Viktor Yanukovych may have vanished early Saturdayfrom Ukraine’s presidential palace outside Kiev, but not without a trace. His entourage left behindsecurity-camera images of a hasty flight from the lavish compound, and something else — tens of thousands of apparently incriminating documents that were still floating near a dock at the waterfront residence when journalists and curious spectators arrived.
Since then, reporters from a dozen media organizations have been combing through the sodden papers at the Mezhyhirya compound along the Dnieper River, and on Tuesday they published high-quality images of hundreds of documents on a new website they call YanukovychLeaks. It quickly drew more than a million hits, according to Natalie Sedletska, a journalist for Radio Free Europe’s Ukrainian service.

Um comentário:

  1. http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/nina-l--khrushcheva-asks-whether-vladimir-putin-will-exploit-ukraine-s-disarray-to-reclaim-lost-territory



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