quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2014

Bretton Woods: 70 anos da criacao do FMI e do Banco Mundial - convite

Infelizmente, não vou poder estar, a despeito da vontade. Estive recentemente em Bretton Woods, onde adquiri o livro de Benn Steil: The Battle of Bretton Woods.
Mas, lerei as transcrições, depois, a partir dos materiais do CFS.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

The Center for Financial Stability (CFS) cordially invites your participation at
"Bretton Woods 2014: The Founders and the Future." 

The conference will focus on the FUTURE of finance and the international monetary system via presentations, delegate discussions, and interactions as well as draw lessons from the astonishing leadership and vision demonstrated in 1944 for today and into the future.

Some speakers include:
- Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico (94-00);
- Eduardo Aninat, Deputy Managing Director of the IMF (99-03);
- Sheila Bair, Chair of the FDIC (06-11);
- Domingo Cavallo, Minister of the Economy, Argentina (91-96, 01);
- Charles Goodhart, Member of the Bank of England's MPC (97-00);
- Sean Hagan, General Counsel and Director of the Legal Dept at the IMF;
- Robert D. Hormats, Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc.;
- Otmar Issing, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB (98-06);
- Yves-André Istel, Senior Advisor and former Vice Chairman of Rothschild, Inc.;
- Takatoshi Ito, Member, Economic and Fiscal Counsel, Japan, MoF (06-08);
- Pedro Malan, Minister of Finance for Brazil (95-03);
- Jack Malvey, Chief Global Markets Strategist, BNY Mellon;
- Guillermo Ortiz, Governor, Bank of Mexico (98-09) / Finance Minister (94-98);
- Randal K. Quarles, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, U.S. Treasury (05-06);
- William R. Rhodes, President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors;
- Paul Saffo, Futurist; Stanford University;
- Richard Sandor, CEO, Envifi and “father of financial futures”;
- Siddharth Tiwari, Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review at the IMF;
- Paul Tucker, Deputy Governor (09-13) / Member of the MPC, Bank of England (02-13);
- Yu Yongding, Member of the MPC of the People’s Bank of China (04-06).

An agenda is available at http://centerforfinancialstability.org/bw2014_topics.php.

The entire Mount Washington Hotel in New Hampshire will be exclusively available for the conference, as it was in 1944. Bretton Woods 2014 will begin with a welcome dinner on Tuesday, September 2nd and continue with full day programs on September 3rd and 4th. On September 5th, delegates are invited to join us for recreational activities.

Complimentary shuttle transportation will be provided to and from Boston Logan International as well as the Mount Washington Regional Airport.

The gathering is by invitation only.  Enter the e-mail address to which this invitation was sent to begin the registration process from the conference website - www.BrettonWoods2014.org.

We are grateful to the Marriner S. Eccles Foundation, BNY Mellon, and the Citrone Foundation for their vision and support of Bretton Woods 2014.

Sincerely yours,
Larry Goodman

Center for Financial Stability, Inc.
1120 Avenue of the Americas, 4th floor
New York, NY 10036


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