domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

Historiografia economica brasileira: sintese bibliografica - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Acabo de receber o arquivo eletrônico desta revista acadêmica, trazendo meu mais recente artigo publicado:

Brazilian Economic Historiography: an essay on bibliographical synthesis 
História e Economia: Revista Interdisciplinar 
(vol. 12, n. 1, 1o. semestre de 2014, p, 149-165; ISSN: 1808-5318). (link:  

Relação de Originais n. 2479;  Publicados n. 1137.

Transcrevo aqui apenas o início do trabalho: 

Brazilian Economic Historiography: an essay on bibliographical synthesis

Paulo Roberto de Almeida
A previous version of this essay was published in Portuguese as: “Historiografia econômica brasileira”, Revista de Economia e Relações Internacionais (vol. 11, n. 21, July 2012, p. 5-21; ISSN: 1677-4973)

Abstract: Analytical review of relevant Brazilian works in economic history, based on a synthesis  of well known important authors, who worked on the great subjects of this area: slave society, economic nationalism and development, industrialization and economic crises. The essay recalls authors and their works, in a linear succession. Recently, works by researchers associated with the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Economic and Business History have received much attention. The bibliography lists classic authors, contemporary contributions and available bibliographic works.

Key-words: Economic history. Brazil. Historiography. Research. Bibliography.

A synthesis of relevant works in Brazilian economic history can draw upon important works in certain dominant areas of research, such as colonial domination, slavery, immigrant work force, commodity exports, industrialization, foreign capital, and so on; it can also be established by selecting relevant authors and their methodologies: Marxism and economic determinism (or historical materialism); the structuralism of the ECLAC school; Keynesianism, etc. This essay will consider great interpretative works, albeit selectively, according to a chronological and linear approach.
Previous historiographical work has already established lists of the most important works in this area. Nícia Vilela Luz’s pioneer assessment (1977), despite being limited to the period of 1870-1930 still maintains its value for two simple reasons: the bibliography is almost complete up to the 1930s, and it organizes the titles according to the main strands of research. For references about economic history after 1930, there is a special volume of the Cambridge History of Latin Americaentirely dedicated to Brazil (Bethell, 2008, vol. 9). Another good critical synthesis of works dealing with the various phases of Brazil’s economic history is the historiographical review article by Tamás Szmrecsányi (2004), who also authored or co-organized many other works published under the seal of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Economic and Business History (ABPHE).
According to Klaes (2003), the concept of historiography, on one hand, refers to historical description of the past, in contrast to the past in itself; on the other hand, the notion is used in a meta-theoretical sense, as a reflection on howhistorians describe past times. Historiography, in this second sense, has two aspects: it can refer to a specific historical methodology applied by an historian, or to a more ample definition of a methodological component of historical research. In this essay, the concept will identify works–generally by professionals, but not always–about Brazilian economic history, albeit limiting itself to a great synthesis and main interpretative reflections on this subject.

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