quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2014

Imigracao nos EUA: uma obsessao historica - livro de Alvaro Vargas Llosa

Breaking Through the Partisanship of Broken Borders
Dispelling the Myths on Immigration

The flood of children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has rekindled an already heated immigration debate, but will it prompt politicians to make major changes to the nation's immigration laws? Or will they play it safe as midterm elections approach, and hope that immigration issues somehow resolve themselves? And what exactly should immigration policy look like in a free society?

In a defining approach to the hotly debated issue of immigration reform, the award-winning book Global Crossings, by Independent Institute Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, examines the immigrant experience and explores who migrants are, why they move, and who benefits. And as this powerful story unfolds, Vargas Llosa offers reforms that stand as a powerful and humane solution to the flawed plans being offered by politicians.

Global Crossings:Immigration, Civilization, and America
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa

A native of Peru who has lived and worked on three continents, renowned author Vargas Llosa has written an insightful analysis of the cultural, economic, and political ramifications of immigration—one the most enduring phenomena of the human story.

Part historical treatise and part politico-economic analysis—and sprinkled with fascinating anecdotes from his personal experience around the world—Global Crossings is a far-reaching book that will captivate anyone curious about the drama inherent in the age-old quest to make a better life by moving abroad and about the government policies that often thwart that effort.
PROSE Honorable Mention Award for Best Book (Association of American Publishers)
2014 Bronze Medal IPPY Award Winner
2014 Benjamin Franklin Silver Award (Independent Book Publishers Association)

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Available in Hardcover & Paperback
eBook Available on Kindle, iTunes, Nook
384 Pages • 6 x 9 Inches
16 Tables • 23 Figures • Index

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Praise for Global Crossings:

"Alvaro Vargas Llosa's timing is as superb as his book, which lands smack in the middle of a feverish Washington debate over America's most recent arrivals . . . What recommends Global Crossings is that it offers a thoughtful critique of the restrictionists from the standpoint of a fellow conservative."
—The Wall Street Journal

"This compelling book is a must read for anyone on the vital yet contentious issue of immigration. Global Crossings puts a personal face on the issue, superbly arguing that restrictions on the basis of accident of birthplace have no economic or social justification, and in the hands of government are a dangerous infringement on individual liberty and human well-being."
—Daniel L. McFadden, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; E. Morris Cox Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley

"Using facts, history, logic and his own personal experiences, Alvaro Vargas Llosa vividly demonstrates why immigration is almost always economically, culturally and morally beneficial. Global Crossings is an essential and highly readable, even riveting, tour de force."
—Richard K. Vedder, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ohio University

Alvaro Vargas Llosa is Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute. He has been a nationally syndicated columnist for the Washington Post Writers Group and among his Independent Institute books, Liberty for Latin America received the Sir Anthony Fisher International Memorial Award and Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit was awarded the Templeton Freedom Award. Former op-ed page editor at the Miami Herald, he has written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, BBC World Service, Time, and other media, and he has been named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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