sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

Revista Meridiano 47: numero especial sobre os 20 anos da OMC, chamada de artigos

Call for Papers – Bulletin Meridiano 47, Special Issue on the 20th Anniversary of the WTO

In the twentieth anniversary of the World Trade Organization (WTO) initial sessions (1995), Boletim Meridiano 47 welcomes submissions to a special edition on the organization and its role in the international economic system firstly designed in Bretton Woods (1944). One of the many products of the Uruguay Round’s multilateral trade negotiations (1987-1994), a process that launched many multi and plurilateral agreements among which stands out the WTO constitutive agreement, the WTO is the successor of the GATT. An agreement that symbolizes also a compromise following the debacle of the International Trade Organization previously designed in Havana’s Conference for Trade and Employment (1947-1948), besides having stemmed from a provisional agreement in Geneva (1947), GATT alone, during roughly half a century, had to play the leading role in the international trade system. Until the downfall of the socialist sphere and the increasing incorporation of new agencies into the international labor division, GATT paved the way for the adoption of Uruguay’s institutional revamp that led to the creation of an entire organizational structure – what originally was not included in Punta del Este’s mandate (1986).
The WTO might be underscored as the single most relevant instrument to the progressive international trade liberalization in non-discriminatory bases, as well as to the emergence of new norms in areas formerly outside the less ambitious GATT, such as the understanding on dispute settlements, trade & investments and intellectual property. Although the Doha Round is yet to be concluded, the WTO, which is currently under the general direction of a Brazilian diplomat, remains one of the main pillars of the liberal order initially conceived in Bretton Woods.
‘The WTO and the challenges of the Multilateral Trade System’, Boletim Meridiano 47’s special edition welcomes articles on manifold aspects of the WTO, its history, its rules, and diverse analytical stances, be them on the institution itself or on themes regarding its operation. The edition counts with guest editors such as Professor Paulo Roberto de Almeida (Brazil’s Ministry of External Relations; Centro Universitário de Brasília, UNICEUB) and Professor Rogério de Souza Farias (University of Chicago), and is to be published in late August, 2015.
The editors welcomes manuscripts to this issue, under the guidelines of the journal, which encompasses the limits of 3500-4000 words, in English or Portuguese, to be submitted until July 15th 2015.

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