quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

Wikileaks: Mon Dieu! Que vous etes perfides, les americains: ecouter les amis...

Ninguém está ao abrigo, sobretudo os comedores de baguettes, de escargots e de cuisses de grenouilles...
Oh ciel, qui pourra les arrêter?
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

French President Francois Hollande sharply criticized the United States over revelations that the National Security Agency (NSA) spied on him and past French presidents.
 Foreign Policy daily, June 24 2015

News of the alleged surveillance spilled out of six documents published on Tuesday evening by WikiLeaks in conjunction with Libération, a left-leaning newspaper, and the investigative website Mediapart. The documents allege that the United States spied on the internal conversations and deliberations of Hollande, as well as former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac. The matters discussed include an appointment to the United Nations, the Middle East peace process, and the euro crisis. They also include telephone numbers listed by the NSA as being top intercept targets in France.

While the accuracy of the documents remains unconfirmed, WikiLeaks attests to their authenticity. The group has yet to say how it obtained the documents, but says that there is more to come.

"These are unacceptable facts that have already led to clarifications between the United States and France," Hollande’s office said after the country's top ministers and defense chiefs met to discuss the documents. "France will not tolerate any acts that compromise its security and the safeguarding of its interests."

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has also summoned the U.S. Ambassador Jane D. Hartley to meet with him. The French government will also send an intelligence official to the United States to be briefed on the NSA’s operations in Paris. In response, the Obama administration said that it does not currently spy on Hollande and will not in the future, but did not deny that Washington had done so in the past.

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