terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

O TPP e sua importancia para a economia japonesa - C. Fred Bergsten (IIE, Washington)

Fred Bergsten é um dos maiores especialistas mundiais em comércio internacional e apresenta neste seu artigo de opinião suas reflexões sobre o tema do TPP:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Japan
C. Fred Bergsten
Published in the Nikkei Asian Review
     C. Fred BergstenThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the most important trade agreement in world history in both economic and geopolitical terms. It incorporates 40 percent of the global economy, including its largest and third largest countries. It will increase the income of the participating countries by almost $300 billion (in 2007 dollars). It sets the stage for eventual expansion to a comprehensive Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) that will include virtually every country in the region, perhaps including China and India. Japan can have a major impact on that potential expansion. It can be especially influential with its US ally on the issue, as there is a sharp division within the United States between those who want to bring China into a cooperative Asia Pacific trade and investment structure, and those who view China as an inevitable enemy that should be excluded from such arrangements. It is clearly in Japan's interest to avoid having to choose between China and the United States, and it should thus strive tirelessly to promote a cooperative fusion over the next several years.

>> Read full op-ed

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