segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2015

História Econômica da AL: V CLADHE em SP, julho 2016

Devo participar. 
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 


The 5th Latin American Congress of Economic History (CLADHE V) will be held in the city of Sao Paulo (Brazil) on July 19-21, 2016. Organizers are the Economic History Associations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Caribbean, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Spain and Portugal associations will participate as guests. The Brazilian Association for Research in Economic History (ABPHE) and the School of Economics, Management and Accounting of University of Sao Paulo (FEA/USP) are the hosts of the Congress.

Following the tradition of previous congresses held since 2007, the CLADHE V will provide an academic environment to discuss the latest researches in the economic history of Latin America, as well as to address global perspectives and comparative approaches among regions. The organization of CLADHE V encourages the joint participation of researchers from Latin America and around the world to disseminate and discuss their works as well as to establish common research agendas. It is worth remembering that papers in history of ecnomic thought are very welcome in this Congress. There are Sessions dealing directly with HET topics, such as, for example, the relations between economic ideas and economic policymaking in Latin American history.

The official languages of CLADHE V are Spanish and Portuguese; however, works in English are also welcome. The Congress will be organized through paper sessions, round tables, and conferences.


The call for papers for Sessions is open. The deadline for paper submission is March 1, 2016. The proposal should present an expanded summary of the text (between 250-500 words) and a brief curriculum (with institutional affiliation and a list of recent publications). The selection of approved texts will be the responsibility of the coordinators of the Sessions, respecting the criteria of the International Organizing Committee. Authors of approved abstracts will submit their full papers until 15 May 2016

For further information on the topics covered by the Sessions and on the general organization of the Congress, please go to the website .

Should you have any question, please send an e-mail to . 

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