segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2016

Bretton Woods, 70 anos atras, 70 anos a frente - Center for Financial Stability

Honoring the 70th anniversary of the original conference, Bretton Woods 2014: The Founders and the Future was held at the Mount Washington Resort in New Hampshire from Sept. 3rd to Sept. 4th. The hotel was exclusively available for the conference, just as it was in 1944. The event gathered prominent leaders from government, business, and academia in a working-group environment to focus on the future of finance and the international monetary system.
Topics included prospects for the world’s foreign exchange system; future of finance and financial institutions; technology and the future of the international financial system; how to better anticipate and manage future crises; the future of sovereign debt restructuring; the future role of the IMF and World Bank; and history and leadership at Bretton Woods in 1944.

Bretton Woods 2014 gathered prominent leaders from government, business, and academia in a working-group environment to focus on the future of finance and the international monetary system. Please see more about the conference to see other remarks, presentations, and photos from the conference.
Future Prospects for the World‘s Foreign Exchange Rate System: Political Design vs. Evolution, Otmar Issing
Read remarks |  Read slides
Nice-Squared - Near an Internationally Cooperative Equilibrium, John B. Taylor  Read remarks |  See video
A Few Thoughts on the Current International Monetary System, Liu Mingkang  Read paper
Bretton Woods Reconsidered:The Dollar Standard and the Role of China, Ronald McKinnon   Read paper | Read slides
Marriner Eccles: Father of the Modern Federal Reserve, Spencer F. Eccles  Read remarks
Critical Issues for the Bretton Woods Institutions, William R. Rhodes  Read remarks
The 1944 Keynes Plan: An Idea Whose Time Has Now Returned?, Charles Goodhart  Read remarks
Summary and Next Steps, Randal K. Quarles  Read remarks
Thoughts on World War II in July 1944, Carole Brookins  Read remarks
What Have We Learned from Recent Research on Bretton Woods? Eric Helleiner, Eric Rauchway, and Kurt Schuler  Read paper

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