quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016

Historia oral financeira e monetaria: Richard Cooper (Center for Financial Stability)

Professor Richard N. Cooper - advisor to many U.S. Presidents on international monetary affairs - was recently interviewed by the Center for Financial Stability on his decades of experience at the center of international monetary policy.

Highlights include:

- Evolution of the international monetary system,
- Insights into Nixon Shock (cessation of the gold standard),
- System of floating exchange rates,
- Recent revelations regarding the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference,
- China and measures to move forward,
- Proposals for the future.

We thank Kurt Schuler and Robert Yee for such a wonderfully insightful exchange and Richard Cooper - Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics at Harvard and formerly Under-Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

To view the full interview:

With best regards,
Larry Goodman

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