terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016

This (other) day in History: armisticio da Primeira Guerra Mundial, 11/11/1918

Eu já tinha lido este This Day in History do Nuew York Times desde o dia 11, pela manhã, mas não tinha encontrado tempo de postar no mesmo dia, sexta-feira passada.
Mesmo atrasado, a data é importante, e nem se tratava de Primeira Guerra, e sim de Grande Guerra, e se imaginava que, por causa da enormidade da catástrofe, com perdas de vidas humanas aos milhões, morticínios inéditos, destruições maciças, não haveria nenhuma outra guerra dessa escala.
E no entanto, uma outra guerra global ocorreu, vinte anos depois daquela que seria a última, "la der des der", como passaram a se referir os franceses.
Aliás, desde 1919, um economista do Tesouro britânico, relativamente pouco conhecido até então, já havia alertado, em The Economic Consequences of the Peace (uma análise dos capítulos econômicos do tratado de Versalhes), que as reparações impostas à Alemanha seriam quase tão catastróficas quanto a própria guerra e que poderiam provocar uma nova guerra. Foi profeta involuntário.
O Brasil entrou na guerra tardiamente, apenas em meados de 1917, pelo envio de um batalhão médico que praticamente não atuou nas frentes de batalha.
Na volta da guerra, soldados trouxeram da Europa, para as Américas, a famosa "gripe espanhola", que matou quase tanta gente quanto as trincheiras da Europa.
Em todo caso, aqui vai a postagem daquele dia saudado em quase todos os países como o fim de uma noite sem fim...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Neste link: http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/1111.html#article

On This Day
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Armistice Signed, End Of The War! Berlin Seized By Revolutionists; New Chancellor Begs For Order

War Ends at 6 O'clock This Morning
The State Department in Washington Made the Announcement at 2:45 o'Clock
Terms Include Withdrawal from Alsace-Lorraine, Disarming and Demobilization of Army and Navy, and Occupation of Strategic Naval and Military Points
By The Associated Press
RELATED HEADLINESOusted Kaiser Flees To Holland
Berlin Troops Join Revolt: Reds Shell Building in Which Officers Vainly Resist: Throngs Demand Republic: Revolutionary Flag on Royal Palace- Crown Prince's Palace Also Seized: General Strike Is Begun: Burgomaster and Police Submit- War Office New Under Socialist Control
Kaiser Fought Hindenburg's Call For Abdication; Failed To Get Army's Support In Keeping Throne
German Dynasties Being Wiped Out: King of Wuerttemberg Abdicates - Sovereign of Saxony to Follow Suit: Princes May Be Exiled: Socialists Are Demanding That Every Sovereign in the Empire Shall be Dethroned
More Warships Join The Reds: Four Dreadnoughts in Kiel Harbor Espouse the Revolutionary Cause: Guardships Also Go Over:
Washington, Monday, Nov. 11, 2:48 A.M.--The armistice between Germany, on the one hand, and the allied Governments and the United States, on the other, has been signed.
The State Department announced at 2:45 o'clock this morning that Germany had signed.
The department's announcement simply said: "The armistice has been signed."
The world war will end this morning at 6 o'clock, Washington time, 11 o'clock Paris time.
The armistice was signed by the German representatives at midnight.
This announcement was made by the State Department at 2:50 o'clock this morning.
The announcement was made verbally by an official of the State Department in this form:
"The armistice has been signed. It was signed at 5 o'clock A.M., Paris time, [midnight, New York time,] and hostilities will cease at 11 o'clock this morning, Paris time, [6 o'clock, New York time.]
The terms of the armistice, it was announced, will not be made public until later. Military men here, however, regard it as certain that they include:
Immediate retirement of the German military forces from France, Belgium, and Alsace- Lorraine.
Disarming and demobilization of the German armies.
Occupation by the allied and American forces of such strategic points in Germany as will make impossible a renewal of hostilities.
Delivery of part of the German High Seas Fleet and a certain number of submarines to the allied and American naval forces.
Disarmament of all other German warships under supervision of the allied and American Navies, which will guard them.
Occupation of the principal German naval bases by sea forces of the victorious nations.
Release of allied and American soldiers, sailors, and civilians held prisoners in Germany without such reciprocal action by the associated Governments.
There was no information as to the circumstances under which the armistice was signed, but since the German courier did not reach German military headquarters until 10 o'clock yesterday morning, French time, it was generally assumed here that the German envoys within the French lines had been instructed by wireless to sign the terms.
Forty-seven hours had been required for the courier to reach the German headquarters, and unquestionably several hours were necessary for the examination of the terms and a decision.
It was regarded as possible, however, that the decision may have been made at Berlin and instructions transmitted from there by the new German Government.
Germany had until 11 o'clock this morning, French time, (6 o'clock, Washington time,) to accept. So hostilities will end at the hour set by Marshal Foch for a decision by Germany for peace or for continuation of the war.
The momentous news that the armistice had been signed was telephoned to the White House for transmission to the President a few minutes before it was given to the newspaper correspondents.
Later it was said that there would be no statement from the White House at this time.
Socialist Chancellor Appeals to All Germans To Help Him Save Fatherland from Anarchy
Berne, Nov. 10, (Associated Press)--In an address to the people, the new German Chancellor, Friedrich Ebert, says:
Citizens: The ex-Chancellor, Prince Max of Baden, in agreement with all the Secretaries of State, has handed over to me the task of liquidating his affairs as Chancellor. I am on the point of forming a new Government in accord with the various parties, and will keep public opinion freely informed of the course of events.
The new Government will be a Government of the people. It must make every effort to secure in the quickest possible time peace for the German people and consolidate the liberty which they have won.
The new Government has taken charge of the administration, to preserve the German people from civil war and famine and to accomplish their legitimate claim to autonomy. The Government can solve this problem only if all the officials in town and country will help.
I know it will be difficult for some to work with the new men who have taken charge of the empire, but I appeal to their love of the people. Lack of organization would in this heavy time mean anarchy in Germany and the surrender of the country to tremendous misery. Therefore, help your native country with fearless, indefatigable work for the future, every one at his post.
I demand every one's support in the hard task awaiting us. You know how seriously the war has menaced the provisioning of the people, which is the first condition of the people's existence. The political transformation should not trouble the people. The food supply is the first duty of all, whether in town or country, and they should not embarrass, but rather aid, the production of food supplies and their transport to the towns.
Food shortage signifies pillage and robbery, with great misery. The poorest will suffer the most, and the industrial worker will be affected hardest. All who illicitly lay hands on food supplies or other supplies of prime necessity or the means of transport necessary for their distribution will be guilty in the highest degree toward the community.
I ask you immediately to leave the streets and remain orderly and calm.
Copenhagen, Nov. 10--The new Berlin Government, according to a Wolff Bureau dispatch, has issued the following proclamation:
Fellow-Citizens: This day the people's deliverance has been fulfilled. The Social Democratic Party has undertaken to form a Government. It has invited the Independent Socialist Party to enter the Government with equal rights.

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