sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2017

Adam Smith in Mediterranean world and beyond: last call for papers (Palermo, july 2017)


International Conference
History of Economics Society and
University of Palermo, Sicily (Italy)

6-7 July 2017


Adam Smith is one of those authors who have left a significant mark on the history of ideas. His influence has not only contributed to shaping the culture but also the institutions and the policy of modern society, and this can be seen in the international spread of his thought, which rapidly reached every corner of the world.
Yet, the reception of Smithian ideas was not a unique or uniform process, equal to every country, because different regional contexts conditioned them. Smith's works entered through institutional, cultural, linguistic, religious, and political filters, which were not neutral and affected the reading, understanding and use of them. Europe and the Mediterranean are two geographical areas –  but not the only – to observe the spread of Smithian thought because of the rich pluralism characterizing their regions and nations.
Bearing this in mind, the University of Palermo – supported by the History of Economics Society (HES New Initiatives Fund) – invites proposals for papers and/or sessions along the lines listed below or on other relevant matters on the topic.

The thematic directions suggested are:
·  Adam Smith, the Scottish Enlightenment and the European Enlightenment: similarities, differences in methods and analysis, influences, intellectual disagreements;
·  The intellectual link between Smith’s teaching and the development of a national style of economics in the various countries from the 18th to the 20th centuries;
·  The reception of Smithian thought in different religious frameworks: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish;
·  Smithian liberalism as an intellectual source of the liberal revolutionary phase that changed the political and economic face of Europe and the Mediterranean in the 19th century;
·  The works of Adam Smith: language, style, translations.

Official language: English

The Scientific Committee:

Christopher Berry (University of Glasgow)
Giovanni Iamartino (University of Milan)
Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity University)
Sandra Peart (University of Richmond)
Fabrizio Simon (University of Palermo)
Craig Smith (University of Glasgow)

The Organizing Committee:

Fabrizio Simon
Anna Li Donni
Cristina Guccione

Scholars planning to participate should submit a 500-word abstract for a paper or a 1000-word abstract for a session, specifying: the title of their presentation and the conference theme, their full name and institutional affiliation, and an e-mail address for correspondence.
Please submit the abstract by e-mail to <> and <>.

Deadlines to remember:

Submission of abstracts                             No later than 25 January 2017
Notification of acceptance                         28 February 2017
Registration                                                No later than 30 April 2017
Sending of paper                                        No later than 31 May 2017

For further information on the conference (venue, registration, accommodation) see the conference website at

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