segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2017

Liberalismo e o Brasil de Hoje: Licoes de Roberto Campos - Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Marcos Troyjo, Adriano Pires

Um próximo evento, palestra-debate, para discutir os problemas atuais do Brasil, e as soluções, propostas meio século atrás, por Roberto Campos, quando também aproveitarei para lançar o livro em Cuiabá:

Conference organized by the University Jean Moulin (Lyon 3) and the Institute of Transtextualand Transcultural Studies (IETT- EA 4186) in the framework of the Impulsion- PALSE project.
Organizing Committee:
 S’mele Soares Rodrigues (University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3), JulieSylvestre (IETT), Carolina Cunha Carnier (University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3).
 Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures (MILC), Lyon.
: September 27 and 28, 2017.
At the intersection of political history, international relations, and cultural studies of theAmericas, this conference will bring together confirmed and junior researchers of history,sociology, musicology, political sciences or any other discipline of the social and human sciencesin the aim of discussing a history of the cultural relations of the Americas in the twentiethcentury.In continuation of Pierre Milza's reflection on the cultural "deep forces" located betweeninternational politics and mentalities, as well as many other French or English speaking studieshighlighting the importance of culture in international relations (by Robert Frank, Fran•oisChaubet, Alain Dubosclard, Ludovic Tourns J. Manuel Espinosa, J.M. Mitchell, Akira Iriye,among others), this conference intends to discuss the studies developed by specialists from thecountries of America. A transnational perspective will be adopted.This meeting will be a first opportunity to map the bilateral, multilateral and transnationalcultural relations of the three Americas, especially (but not exclusively) those established withand among the countries of the Southern Cone (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay).The conference will mainly address:1)
Cultural "decision makers", namely the agents or mediators of both official culturaldiplomacy and private associations and institutes

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