quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2017

Douglass North: homenagem ao grande economista institucionalista

March 2-3, 2018
Arlington, VA

Twenty-five years ago, in October 1993, Douglass C. North was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. North was recognized for his advances to the field of modern economic history and for integrating sociology, statistics, and history in his research. Specifically, his work on the preconditions and process of institutional transition emphasized the importance of examining economic, political, and social factors in order to better understand economic change over time. North’s expansive research project has made a lasting impact, inspiring others to contribute to economic history, institutional economics, and the study of transitioning economies.

In March 2018, Professors Lee Alston, John Nye, and Barry Weingast will host a conference, sponsored by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, to reflect on the impact of North’s work on the discipline. The conference will be structured around five key periods in North’s career: 1) Cliometrics and Measurement; 2) Relative Prices, Property Rights, and Transaction Costs; 3) Institutions; 4) Belief and Cognition; and 5) Violence. Each theme will have a keynote lecture and a series of paper presentations.

Call for Abstract Submissions (Deadline: September 15, 2017)
We invite students and scholars to submit abstracts on these five key themes. To submit, please provide a 200 word abstract to students@mercatus.gmu.edu by September 15, 2017. Include your full name, affiliation, and preferred email address along with your abstract. If you have co-authors, please include their information as well. Selections will be announced in fall 2017.

The conference will also be open for students and scholars. There is no registration fee, but attendees are responsible for their own travel and lodging. Registration will open in fall 2017. You can find information on the conference here.

Lee Alston, John Nye, and Barry Weingast

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