sábado, 30 de setembro de 2017

Economic Freedom of the World - 2017 Annual Report (James Gwartney et alii)

Reproduzo aqui o comentário que já fiz em outros espaços:

Deveria ser motivo de ENORME VERGONHA, para todos nós, sim para todos nós, acadêmicos, e sobretudo para todos nós, que somos, ao mesmo tempo, BUROCRATAS DO ESTADO, o fato de que o BRASIL esteja classificado nos ÚLTIMOS LUGARES DA LIBERDADE ECONÔMICA. Repito: MOTIVO DE ENORME VERGONHA. 

Até uma perfeita autocracia política, uma ditadura de partido único, como a China comunista, é ECONOMICAMENTE MAIS LIVRE do que o Brasil. Até quando acadêmicos e burocratas públicos vão continuar reféns da MENTALIDADE ATRASADA que os levam a sustentar, teórica e praticamente, o estatismo mais idiota, o patrimonialismo concentrador de renda, o nacionalismo rastaquera, o terceiro-mundismo imbecil??? 

Eu me sinto envergonhado por viver num país em tão más companhias e em trabalhar para um Estado ao lado de burocratas que sustentam ativamente condição tão vergonhosa quanto esta, a de estar classificado no último quartil das liberdades econômicas. 

Um país assim não pode ser politicamente livre, não pode ser socialmente justo, ou igualitário (como pretendem os mesmos que sustentam o estatismo e o patrimonialismo), não pode ser progressista ou avançado, não pode simplesmente ser chamado de nação!

Paulo Roberto de Almeida   


Economic Freedom of the World

The foundations of economic freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, and open markets. As Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, and Friedrich Hayek have stressed, freedom of exchange and market coordination provide the fuel for economic progress. Without exchange and entrepreneurial activity coordinated through markets, modern living standards would be impossible.
Potentially advantageous exchanges do not always occur. Their realization is dependent on the presence of sound money, rule of law, and security of property rights, among other factors. Economic Freedom of the World seeks to measure the consistency of the institutions and policies of various countries with voluntary exchange and the other dimensions of economic freedom. The report is copublished by the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute in Canada and more than 70 think tanks around the world.

View an interactive map of economic freedom

Economic Freedom of the World: 2017 Annual Report

Economic Freedom of the World 2017
By James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, and Joshua Hall, with the assistance of Ryan Murphy, and contributions from Rosemarie Fike, Richard J. Grant, Fred McMahon, Indra de Soysa, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati.
Hong Kong and Singapore retain the top two positions with a score of 8.97 and 8.81 out of 10, respectively. The rest of this year’s top scores are New Zealand, 8.48; Switzerland, 8.44; Ireland, 8.19; the United Kingdom, 8.05; Mauritius, 8.04; Georgia, 8.01; Australia, 7.99; and Estonia, 7.95.
The United States, for decades among the top four countries in the index, ranks 11th. The rankings of other large economies in this year’s index are Germany (23rd), South Korea (32nd), Japan (39th), France (52nd), Italy (54th), Mexico (76th), India (95th), Russia (100th), China (112th), and Brazil (137th). The 10 lowest-rated countries are: Iran, Chad, Myanmar, Syria, Libya, Argentina, Algeria, Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and, lastly, Venezuela.
Nations in the top quartile of economic freedom had an average per capita GDP of US$42,463 in 2015, compared to $6,036 for bottom quartile nations. Moreover, the average income of the poorest 10% in the most economically free nations is almost twice the average per capita income in the least free nations. Life expectancy is 80.7 years in the top quartile compared to 64.4 years in the bottom quartile, and political and civil liberties are considerably higher in economically free nations than in unfree nations.
This year’s report, for the first time, adjusts the rankings for gender equality. Countries receive lower scores if women there are not legally accorded the same level of economic freedom as men.
One chapter in this year’s report finds that support for anti-immigrant, populist parties in OECD countries increases where economic freedom is low and state-provided social welfare protection is high.
The first Economic Freedom of the World Report, published in 1996, was the result of a decade of research by a team which included several Nobel Laureates and over 60 other leading scholars in a broad range of fields, from economics to political science, and from law to philosophy. This is the 21st edition of Economic Freedom of the World and this year’s publication ranks 159 countries and territories for 2015, the most recent year for which data are available.

Table of Contents [pdf, 46.8Kb]
Executive Summary [pdf, 112Kb]
Chapter 1, Economic Freedom of the World in 2015 [pdf, 600Kb]
Chapter 2, Country Data Tables [pdf, 1.04Mb]
Chapter 3, Adjusting for Gender Disparity in Economic Freedom and Why It Matters [pdf, 267Kb]
Chapter 4, Economic Freedom, Social Protections, and Electoral Support for Anti-Immigrant Populist Parties in 27 Industrial Democracies [pdf, 418Kb]
Chapter 5, Economic Freedom in South Africa and Constraints on Economic Policy [pdf, 325Kb]
Appendix [pdf, 145Kb]
Acknowledgments [pdf, 260Kb]

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