segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2017

Bertha Lutz e o papel das mulheres na ONU - seminario-debate no IPRI, 20/11, 9:00hs


"Bertha Lutz and Women's Rights in the UN Charter: How a Brazilian delegate successfully championed gender-equality in the San Francisco Conference"

Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) and its Institute for Research on International Relations (IPRI) are honoured to invite you to the lecture "Bertha Lutz and Women's Rights in the UN Charter: How a Brazilian delegate successfully championed gender-equality in the San Francisco Conference". The presentation by researchers Elise Dietrichson and Fatima Sator, from the University of London, will be followed by comments from Minister Eugenio Garcia, head of the Division of the United Nations, Counsellor Marise Nogueira, head of the Division on Social Issues, and Counsellor Viviane Balbino, head of the Division of Southern Europe and the European Union. The lecture, which will be in English, will be held on 20 November 9h00 at Paulo Nogueira Batista Auditorium, Annex II of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Register here.

A Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) e seu Instituto de Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais (IPRI) têm a honra de convidar para a palestra "Bertha Lutz e os Direitos das Mulheres na Carta da ONU: Como uma delegada brasileira promoveu com sucesso a igualdade de gênero na Conferência de São Francisco". A apresentação das pesquisadoras Elise Dietrichson e Fatima Sator, da Universidade de Londres, será seguida de comentários do ministro Eugenio Garcia, chefe da Divisão das Nações Unidas, da conselheira Marise Nogueira, chefe da Divisão de Temas Sociais, e da conselheira Viviane Balbino, chefe da Divisão da Europa Meridional e União Europeia. A palestra, em inglês, será realizada em 20 de novembro às 9h00 no auditório Paulo Nogueira Batista, Anexo II do Ministério das Relações Exteriores. 

The idea is to have quick lectures by Elise and Fatima of about 20 minutes each, followed by comments from three Brazilian diplomats: Eugenio Garcia, head of the United Nations Division and historian by training; Marise Nogueira, head of the Division of Social Issues - in charge of women's issues; and Viviane Balbino, head of the Division of Southern Europe and the European Union, who did her Masters' Dissertation about women in the Brazilian diplomatic career. After their interventions, we will open the debate to the floor.

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