sábado, 17 de março de 2018

Antes da Economics, havia a Political Economy - um site com textos antigos

Aqui: https://beforeeconomics.wordpress.com

Before Economics


Before Economics is a podcast series about the history of political economy, focusing on the British case. Each episode examines a key text in this history. The podcast is supported by the European Society for the History of Economic Thought and the University of Queensland. This site acts as a supplement to the podcasts, providing readers with an opportunity to look at the texts covered in the podcast, and to find other resources relating to these texts and the history of political economy more broadly.
Before Economics is hosted by Dr Ryan Walter, Senior Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Queensland. Dr Walter is an intellectual historian working on the history of political and economic thought, focusing on Britain in the ‘long eighteenth century’. His current work examines how political economy was absorbed – or rejected – by Parliament and British society as a source of authoritative knowledge.
Political economy was a patriarchal discourse in the sense that it routinely took the patriarchal household as a model for the government of a state or nation. As a result, gendered language has often been used when describing the texts under study to convey the original meanings.
Sincere thanks to the following interviewees: Lorenzo Cello, Keith Tribe, Terry Peach, Richard van den Berg, Michele Chiaruzzi, Marco Guidi, Karin Sellberg, Leigh Penman, Richard Devetak, Richard Whatmore, Sergio Cremaschi, Mauro Simonazzi.
Niyi Adepoyibi was the sound engineer for the podcasts. This site has been created with the assistance of David Kearns.

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