segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Guidelines para empresas multinacionais - Raymond Saner

Um especialista da Suíça participa de uma publicação importante da OCDE:

OECD Responsible Business Conduct/Guidelines

R. Saner (2018), Investment Trends and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (The Guidelines) and the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs)
The UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines are the two most authoritative guidance documents for implementation of Responsible Business Conduct. While the UNGPs focus on business and human rights, the OECD Guidelines go further and have a broader scope. In addition to human rights, the OECD Guidelines also cover employment and industrial relations, the environment, fighting corruption, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation.
CSEND Policy Brief, Nr. 16, April 2015
Raymond Saner, Girolamo Viciglione and Lichia Yiu
The regulation of business conduct is a controversial topic and it has been at the centre of attention of the OECD for several decades. A first version of the guidelines dates back to 1976 and has been reviewed five times since then in order to improve its effectiveness in dealing with responsible business conduct by adapting the guidelines to economical and non- structural changes over time. This short article narrates the gradual improvement of the OECD guidelines.
Raymond Saner, Girolamo Viciglione, Lichia Yiu and Mario Filadoro, 2015
The data shown in this presentation has been retrieved from the OECD online database, which contains all the officially reported cases of violations of the OECD guidelines to multinational enterprises.

Title of the book : “40 Years of the OECD Guidelines”; sous la direction de Nicola Bonucci et Catherine Kessedjian, Editions A. PEDONE – PARIS – 2018; I.S.B.N. 978-2-233-00868-8
R. Saner (2018): Investment Trends and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (The Guidelines) and the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs)
The UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines are the two most authoritative guidance documents for implementation of Responsible Business Conduct. While the UNGPs focus on business and human rights, the OECD Guidelines go further and have a broader scope. In addition to human rights, the OECD Guidelines also cover employment and industrial relations, the environment, fighting corruption, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation.

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