sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2019

The American Historical Review and the Global South - Lecture by Alex Lichtenstein (LabMundi-IRI - USP)

INFO: Launching Event – Alex Lichtenstein @ Labmundi-IRI (Center for Global and International Relations History at the Institute of IR/USP)

by Alexandre Moreli
Dear colleagues interested in Global and International Relations History,
We are glad to announce the foundation of Labmundi-IRI, Center for Global and International Relations History at the Institute of IR/University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, in association with Labmundi-FFLCH, the Center for Brazilian and World Systems Studies at the History Department/USP.
Looking into how people and human groups historically relate to each other across different types of boundaries, Labmundi-IRI seeks to overcome the limits of diplomatic history, exploring the ways by which states and societies develop economic, political, social and cultural relations over time. Labmundi-IRI is also focused on strengthening methodological debates on the importance for global and IR historians to work and master a complex combination of scales – combination that, over time and through space, builds relationships on different levels, such as the local, the national, the international, and the transnational.  
As launching event, Labmundi-IRI’s team invites you to a special lecture by Professor Alex Lichtenstein (Indiana University), editor of the American Historical Review. Entitled “The American Historical Review and the Global South”, Prof. Lichtenstein’s lecture will discuss AHR development and actual trends, and the preoccupation of AHR editorial board to allow for greater geographical diversification in terms of articles published and contributors to the journal.
The lecture will take place at IRI’s Congregation Room, on February 6, at 3 pm (for more information: https://www.facebook.com/IRIUSP/photos/a.304676712914764/1985366124845806/?type=3&theater). 
Everyone is welcomed!
Best regards,
Prof. Felipe Loureiro and Prof. Alexandre Moreli
Institute of International Relations, University of São Paulo, Brazil (IRI-USP)

Alex Lichtenstein
Alex Lichtenstein is the Editor for the American Historical Review and Professor of History at Indiana University, where he teaches US and South African history. Alex has been a visiting scholar at the École des Hautes Etudes (Paris), Humboldt University (Berlin), University of Genoa, University of Belgrade, University of the Western Cape, Nanking University (Tianjin), and University of Cape Town. He is the author of Twice the Work of Free Labor, Margaret Bourke-White and the Dawn of Apartheid (with Rick Halpern), and Marked, Unmarked, Remembered: A Geography of American Memory (with Andrew Lichtenstein).

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